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Never have I seen this country depend so heavily on the judiciary to keep a even keel.


Let’s see where this puts Mr Pruitt? He seems to be able to survive on a slippery slope! He appears to be running his own show (like trump), He should have been long gone...he has no ethical responsibility to the agency or the science! He is being propped up by trump, apparently! And, I suspect some others not known to us!


What I want to know is why people think that Global Warming is not done by humans, when every year, on just car and motorcycle CO2 emissions alone, we fill multiple percent of the atmosphere's volume. Yes, plant life should absorb half of it, but atmospheric pollution IS a serious problem.


The EPA is supposed to be about science not voodoo. We do still have rules and laws in this country and we need to start pushing them.


Alternative facts are really funny. They really don't exist. That's funny.

jeffy Level 7 June 6, 2018

Hopefully this will make the ignorant turd squirm a little.


It's about time climate change deniers in Trump's cabinet are challenged. Excellent news!


Trump and the Kock brothers and friends think they are setting us all up here and things will just have to be their way, but there are still a lot of people that don't buy it and want the evidence. I think like that too. It is not so just because you say it's so. We demand evidence.


He can't do that or he'd piss off his boss. The only reason he hasn't been canned is he's a total ass-kissing suck-up to Heir Trump........



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