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As a "black" woman who left a terrible and abusive relationship with a man who went deep into the Hebrew Israelite doctrince it makes me sad when people who know what happened tell me to just pray on it and to join a church. What are ways in which you all heal from hardships besides running to church and clinging to religion?

DoctaJo 4 Dec 23

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For me it's usually and blunt, then something constructive. Keeping my mind busy, helps me deals.


I was where you were before any shelters or help existed. I would not relive those days, nor wish them on anyone. But the things I learned during that time have been priceless in much of my life the last 50 years. Knowing you are Strong is a good thing!

Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm glad you overcame that dark chapter in your life.


Find the lesson you have learned from those terrible experiences focus on lessons not the terrible experiences and use them to make yourself stronger.
Helping others is good therapy as well, helps you remove the focus on your own troubles.
Forgive your abuser, forgiveness is not done for them but for you, it also helps to pity them.
Don't hate them hate is a truly wasted emotion. Getting even however can be very uplifting but, don't do it in hate but as a teaching moment for them.


Well walking away from religion is a good starting point! Recognising who you are, what you are and realising you do not need the props of a sky fairy. 🙂



Jewish wannabes I think.


For me, being in nature cures pretty much anything eventually. I mingle with the great outdoors. I get away from humans (but I do that when I feel good too) . I draw (sometimes dark brooding subjects). I sing. I get myself into a play. I ride my motorcycle. I pet my cats - a great comfort.

Church ? No thanks.


Seriously, grab some friends, some pagan drums and go have a bonfire dance! Let it out!!


Work, distraction, children, ... not all men are like that.


just get over it and move on. get on with living my love. it's not easy like when a relative dies you have to move on. don't listen to religious bullshit as it will only pretend to care. life is not fair but you can do something about it. I'm single and reasonably fine with it. why would you leave an angry bear to join a pack of wolves?


Open up to close friends if you need to. It'll likely increase your bond of friendship, and it's therapeutic. Personally, I internalize it all. I experience it and understand it. I don't have stress because I choose to understand "why" people do things, instead of reacting to what they do. You have the strength to overcome anything.

Marz Level 7 Dec 23, 2017

Spending time in nature, I go to my local park and arboretum. the reason people go to a church is that sense of community they feel. and us agnostics have no such place of community. So it does make it a bit more difficult to get that counselling for want of a better word. That's why this site is so good, it gives us that community.

johns Level 4 Dec 23, 2017

Support groups for abused women may be a place to start. You didn't say if this happened in Israel or not. Where you in the Chasidim lifestyle when this happened. Why would you want to run to a church or temple? I'm Jewish and I never heard the terminology "Hebrew Israelite doctrine"? Can you explain?

We were not living in Israel. The doctrine is considered radical and some Black Hebrew Israelite groups are on the terrorists list. I did not convert and that was a part of the problem.

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