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LINK If North Korean Summit Goes Wrong, Blame Canada Says Top Trump Adviser Larry Kudlow

Now I understand, 45 is looking for a way to blame somebody if things goes wrong in Singapore.

On Sunday, Kudlow reiterated Trump’s stance. Trudeau “holds a press conference and says ‘the U.S. is insulting’ he said that ‘Canada has to stand up for itself,’ he says that we ‘are the problem with tariffs,” Kudlow explained on CNN’s State of the Union. “He was polarizing. He really kind of stabbed us in the back, he did a great disservice to the whole G-7, he betrayed them.” he said.

Kudlow went on to call the Canadian Prime Minister’s press conference a “sophomoric, political stunt for domestic consumption.”

“President Trump played that process in good faith. So, I ask you: He gets up in the airplane and leaves, and then Trudeau starts blasting him at a domestic news conference?” he asked CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I am sorry, that’s a betrayal. That’s a double cross.”

Kudlow later tied Trudeau’s comments to the president’s upcoming Singapore summit with North Korean despot Kim Jong-Un and explained that if anything went wrong during the negotiations, it would likely be Trudeau's fault.

Yep Blame it on Canada! thanks!

Lukian 8 June 10

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Traitor Trump hadn't even left for Singapore and he was looking for someone to blame for the failure of the summit. What does that tell us?


I think you got this wrong. I'm sure that if Trump screws up this meeting he will blame Obama and Hillary.

I know, right? What about her emails?


How could Canada mess up the summit? Is it because Trump is still upset at the perceived slights? I read an interesting article on world trade today and the tariffs between nations are at an historic low compared to the last 150 years. Oddly, it has been the republicans who have tended to be free trade advocates but the script has switched obviously. Trump is playing a dangerous game that will result in no one winning and going after allies is, in my opinion, a huge mistake. Oh well.

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