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Do you have an issue with people taking a knee?

If you're in the military are you offended by football players taking a knee?

paul1967 8 June 11

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Marine Level 8 June 11, 2018

As a former Marine, I will always stand but I respect and admire those that have taken a knee for whatever their reason. I do not respect our agitator in chief's comments about the whole thing. He is a crass loud mouthed bully.

For your service to the safety of our nation, I will always stand by your side and all service people who fought to preserve the right to take a knee.

As a vet, I stand for others to have the right NOT TO !


My entire family are retired USAF officers, not one of them are offended by the NFL taking a knee. It is their freedom to protest, this is what our military has fought for, our freedom. tRump is playing to his base, he's an incompetent man child that thinks he's above the law and can dictate to others. I'm over it! He needs to just go away....far, far, away with a one way ticket.



It's BS to chastize these guys. You're not free to take a knee in protest to events dishonoring the freedom the flag represents, but you're free to refuse to bake a cake honoring the freedom of a couple to marry. I think that baker should take a knee. In the groin.

LMAO You get it and you said it better than I ever have.


Why don't we all take a knee in the stands when the anthem plays? Why don't we all take a knee at home and post selfies on social media when the anthem plays? It's time to escalate, get involved, and show some solidarity against the forces of fascism. We know that this started as a protest against the oppression of racism.

Totally agree.

@whiskywoman Why is he an idiot? What is your reason for throwing such an unpleasant term around? To have a valid complaint, you need to explain your rationale. Otherwise your response is simply empty air.

I don't watch sports otherwise I would join you thank you for your wisdom and morality Ken

“Racism” is faaar too big and long stand to be adequately addressed by kneeling during the US Anthem.

This started as a protest to an immediate and specific, acute issue - racial police brutality...

@Ungod What causes racial police brutality? Isn't the obvious answer racism?

@kensmile4u True, but racism covers MANY things and it's simply unrealistic to think you will stop it by protest. Police are also brutal to whites, when they want to... Black and other non-white KKKops do it! Racism is a Constitutional right! . But we can address and do something about specific actions. Similarly, LYNCHING was once a target of protest! This is about police brutality. It's not disrespect of flag, country or military - though Trumpanzees want to distract with that type of typical distraction he ALWAYS does! It is actually a celebration and enactment of our right to PROTEST in this land of ours...


I'm not a sports event attendee, but I've considered going just so I could kneel!

 A flag or song or border is NOT what I revere.  It has been the historic attempt to create a society in which each person could become their best self, if they expended the effort, that had earned my respect.

No, not at all. Protest is part of America's history.

It's the freedom to do so that makes our history worth a damn.


Not in the least. While I'm unconvinced taking a knee accomplishes much, it's the most respectful, least disruptive form of protest, and it's entirely nonviolent. Those I've spoken with who have a problem with it say it's because it's not showing respect for the country, the flag, or the fallen soldiers, but they've all admitted that when the national anthem comes on their television they themselves don't stand at attention in their living rooms.

I am totally bewildered by the idea that "the flag represents the military." No, it doesn't. It represents the country as a whole. Why would you expect someone to stand to honor a flag, when the country that flag represents does not treat all its citizens fairly?


In the case before the Supreme Court, (West Virginia v Barnette) the court supported choice in whether to stand for patriotic symbols and ceremonies:
"Nevertheless, we apply the limitations of the Constitution with no fear that freedom to be intellectually and spiritually diverse or even contrary will disintegrate the social organization. To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds." This was in 1943.
Therefore this entire issue is nonsense.


Nope. The fact that people still need to should be more disparaging than anything else.


Playing the US anthem at a sports game is totally unnecessary...

Ungod Level 6 June 11, 2018

So is praying before a session of congress.

Th4 military pays the league money to do so! A tool of propaganda to get more recruits

@TheoryNumber3 I’ve heard of that. Does congress really PRAY before a session? NO WONDER they can’t get anything done !!!

@Ungod []


take a knee, elbow your way through life, stick your neck out, whatever, as long as it doesn't harm any living being.


It's a fancy bit of cloth on a stick, and there's a tune to go with it.
Anyone who can see through the God myth should be able to see through this.

Gareth Level 7 June 11, 2018

wowl.......when you need a love button.


Absolutely not! Non-violent protest should be admired and supported. The wrath shown to them is fear based and ignorant.


From 2011 to 2014, the Department of Defense has paid 14 NFL teams $5.4 million to play the National Anthem before each game. Would you call that true patriotism? I would call it bribery and they're using our tax dollars to do it. Makes me wanna puke!

I hate the fact that these teams get their stadiums built on the tax payers dime and the only ones who can afford to pay admission are the Corporate Elite who use it as an Arena of Enjoyment for more lucrative Business Dealings and FU and your Citizens who were not aware of where your much needed tax money was being diverted too. Rome called them Gladiator's and the mindset is still prevalent that money talks and BS Walks.

Paid patriotism... a DOD recruiting program.


OF COURSE NOT! It directs our attention to something very important and it reflects the deepest meaning of ''freedom of speech.'' Only petty tyrants like the treasonous groper could object.


It is my right, yes my Duty, to protest injustice and support others doing so peacefully as well! Still America last I looked....

When you need a love button!


I'm offended the human race thinks this is an issue.

Patriotism and nationalism are being forced down our throats.

I agree, even though I consider myself a patriot but for me being a patriot means being proud that we have the right to take a knee whether you agree with the cause or not.


I was in the Army, and not only do l not have a proplem with it, l support it 100%.


Army veteran here, in full support of athletes choice to protest, take a knee or whatever they choose during the anthem. Never was a fan of forced patriotism in the first place.
If only the people that became upset could look beyond the facade of "kneeling" and perhaps empathize why they're doing it in the first place.


As a military brat, I personally would not do it. But I support those who do because to me, it is a peaceful and powerful way to bring attention to the violence happening all around this country to people of color. There are people in the stands who act worse than those players while the anthem is being played. People need to get the right message, not listen to that ass in the WH who is obviously trying to make it a patriotic issue and not a racial inequity issue. Shows how ignorant and racist he dad would have taken a knee with those guys...he fought and died so they could.


And kaperneck is such a good man we should all emulate his kindness and giving spirit and his grace he ask a service man what to do and took his advice even when it cost him the thing he did the best what a guy i want one

Kap sees the unjust acts and is trying to bring light to it but since the NFL is run by a bunch of millionaires who only care about money they want to quiet him.


It is sad that we ignore the subject and put alternate facts to something that is a symbol of the hate that has been showered on them. I don't watch sports so have little to go on but the rea; reason seems to be the killing and beating of blacks and hispanics zo let them kneel! And vote for change in elections!

BillF Level 7 June 11, 2018

I agree, once again it's about freedom of speech.

We need to vote! Research who is the best for the people! VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT BECAUSE IT DOES!


I have no problem with any non-violent form of protest. I don't even care whatever it is they're protesting. So long as it's not violating anyone elses rights, they can do whatever they want.


No, do you stand what you are in you home? This is all nothing more them a distraction from real issues.

It's been a joke in the house. I stand and announce for anyone else around to do also. Then say, fuck that, and sit back down.


Kneeling is a sign of submission! If i was protesting I would sit or turn my back to it.

I think that might send the opposite view from the one they're trying to convey. The message I get is we love this country, but we can't support its policies. I don't see it as submission, I see it as a message of defiance towards those policies.

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