Although not an orthodox Christian, Jefferson admired Jesus as a moral teacher. In one of his most unusual acts, Jefferson edited the New Testament, cutting away the stories of miracles and divinity and leaving behind a very human Jesus, whose teachings Jefferson found “sublime.” This “Jefferson Bible” is a remarkable document – and it would ensure his political defeat today. (Imagine the TV commercials the Religious Right would run: Thomas Jefferson hates Jesus! He mutilates Bibles!)
They would not be unelectable if We would freakin' VOTE!
We should be glad that the founding fathers were not jealous christians. They set things up so religious people were free but also so that non-religious people could be free. How things have changed where today it is extremely hard for a non-believer to hold public office. Christians have gotten deep holds on our public instituions.
and they will not stop until the law of the land, the constitution, is replaced with the bible and biblical law (whatever that means and however they want to interpret it to suit their purpose).