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Has anyone ever been in a relationship with a person with a covert, or overt Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Cbabcoco 6 June 12

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If you don't find him too woo-woo his work in this field is interesting.



Been there, done that, and no thank you...finito


Yeah, ultimately I felt sorry for her. I still think I should have told her how she came across. I also still don't think she would have heard me, and would have chalked it up to my inferiority.


Once when l was in my 20's.That was all it took. After that l could spot the signs early on, and l was out of there.


Yes, but not for very long.


Apparently, the younger generation just looks at them as assholes and don't understand the depth of their brokenness.
ive only been in two REAL relationships. i moved in with my first husband when i was 17.....he was 22. We had a daughter together. He was at the Pentagon on 9-11 and pretty much lost his mind. I couldnt seem to not be in a relationship after that even though I didnt want to. I had a toddler and a man who was 11 years older that me swooped in....bought books on how to raise a toddler....was open to counseling. I guess i sacrificed my desire to not be in a relationship for my daughter.....and here we are almost 15 years later. With the baby moved out and me having some health problems. And my flaw of once I love someone I can't unlove someone.....I am just torn.

Because you love someone does not justify destroying yourself. You have to do do what deep down you feel you must to preserve yourself.


Hasn't everyone?


No, can say that I have but my last girlfriend has bipolar disorder and that was really hard to live with at times. In addition to that she cut herself, I’m not sure what disorder that maybe but put both of those together and that was some bad times.


They will starve you for attention.


You been talking to my ex again?


Raised by a narcissist and breaking free has made my confidence soar.

3 like your hair is on fire

@Cbabcoco therapy will help you make informed decisions, it is too easy to fall into emotion traps.

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