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Why are women checking my profile? am not gay or bi lolz

bunny99 3 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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They liked a post of yours and want to know more about you. Not everything is about sex, ya know?


I and others look at others' profiles for a variety of reasons -- some of which have zero to do with potential interest.

Once you've been here a while, you will see this is not your typical dating site.


I think the main reason for this is that a recent new feature on the site which allows a member to see a pop-up preview of another member's profile by hovering over their photo also happens to make it impossible to avoid doing accidentally, and all mini views put the viewer in your visitor list just as if they had visited your full profile. It really makes the visitors list completely meaningless. I used to be able to tell who might be interested in me, and now all I can tell is who accidentally scrolled their cursor across my photo on their way to some other place they actually wanted to go.
I'm hoping it's only temporary. @Admin loves to hear your feedback.

skado Level 9 June 13, 2018

Because you are cute ???

All beautiful women are valued and you are one of the best !


I look at everybody's profile. It's a good idea to check someone out before you respond to something they said.

I also wanted to see how other people's profiles were before filling out mine.

I'm just curious.


Something has happened. Over the last two weeks I had more people view my profile than the previous 4 months. Odd thing is over 90% of the views are males. I double checked my profile to see if something I did caused it, but I couldn't find's weird.

I think the main reason for this is that a recent new feature on the site which allows a member to see a pop-up preview of another member's profile by hovering over their photo also happens to make it impossible to avoid doing accidentally, and all mini views put the viewer in your visitor list just as if they had visited your full profile. It really makes the visitors list completely meaningless. I used to be able to tell who might be interested in me, and now all I can tell is who accidentally scrolled their cursor across my photo on their way to some other place they actually wanted to go.
I'm hoping it's only temporary. @Admin loves to hear your feedback.

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