I plan to be cremated when I die. Graveyards seem like wasted space to me. What are your plans?
A "Green Burial" in a private cemetery on my friend's property in rural southern Illinois. The only existing tombstone in the cemetery is for two young children who died while Abraham Lincoln was president.
This is the least original question on this forum.
It's been asked 8557996 times this month alone.
How kind of you to point that out to someone who hasn't been here as long as you have. (Sarcasm emoji here.)
Funerals are not for the dead, but for the living. Who cares, according to some I'm heading for the flames anyway!
I didn't mean services. Just what to be done with our remains. Isn't it funny how they threaten us with something we don't believe in?
Neither. I'm leaving my body to science. I like the idea of being useful and hate the idea of putting a nickel in the ground to get rid of my body.
I've looked into this myself. However, most (if any) don't take overweight bodies so I'm out.
I agree. I would prefer cremation and my ashes to be buried with seeds or scattered at sea. Anything other than being put in a box underground. It does sound like a big waste of space.
Any open space is not a waste. It is open. Free of paving paradise & putting in a parking lot, mall, apartment or other man made atrocity.