I always take note of user names in forums, many are either a real name or initials, but others may have interesting reasons, and I am interested if anyone cares to share. Mine is merely acknowledgement and acceptance of a crap childhood, I nearly didn't survive a couple of times due to either direct abuse or failure to receive medical attention following abuse and this is only the tip of the iceberg. So I use the identity, Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby the third, a fictional character claimed to be the only man who went through hell and came back alive.
It's a bit of a mashup. Parts taken from my real name and a street I used to live on.
Nicole - it's what most people know me as, socially.
Cadmium - it's a play on Nickel Cadmium (as in batteries.) I use the same name on another forum, where quite a few of us have joke names. I was Claudia Bolloksov for a while, but I couldn't get the hang of people referring to me as Claudia.
The forum originally took my full name directly from Facebook. I chose to change it, since everyone else around here seems to be using an alias of some sort.
Simplicity. My common-as-dirt first name, plus my city. Rather disappointed to see no one else from this town on this forum. (sigh)
Mine is what I am; a farmer and a heathen. Quite self explanatory.
Always use my name and picture... lack of imagination I guess.
What a great question!
I was once referred to as 'The Sandster'. My (abbreviated) name is Sandy and at least in the UK changing your name to end it with '-ster' is a form of endearment. So I use it as a reminder that somebody somewhere likes me!
My daughters abbreviated name also.
Wile E. Coyote has always been a hero of mine. He is the ultimate optimist in that no matter how often he fails he ALWAYS gets back up, puts out any fires in his fur, and tries again. the rest of my name is NOT what most people think it is. Just a happy coincidence of my birth... which is in the Chinese year of the cock I might add.
that's quite and name Rugglesby.
Mine is a play on my surname of Sykes and psychology it was going to be the name of my business as a life coach.
My username is an anagram of my first and last name.
Because all the cool avatars, like the velociraptor with the rpg riding the shark, were already taken.
I have nothing to hide, so I just use my name. It is unusual enough to almost guarantee nobody else is using it.
It was late at night when choosing a screen name. I've thought about changing it because it seems like a mouthful and it's a pita to type out when logging in, but I've not taken the leap to change it just yet.
Pic chosen figuring if someone can't handle seeing me sweaty, no makeup with a puppy on my lap it's not anyone worth knowing intimately.
I am actually Rob, but I am a Pratchett fan, especially of the Nac Mac Feegle. The pic is just me, slumped, with beer.
ok, haven't read that one, but have read a bit of Pratchett.
The Nac Mac Feegle appear in the Tiffany Aching books. A splendid parody of smurfs.
All my avatars are from literature. If someone asks me is that "Atticus" from "to Kill A Mockingbird" , the Roman Atticus or the Greek Atticus I know I can have an intelligent conversation. If they ask, "What is an Atticus" my general response is "How 'bout dem Dogs?"
AccursedHalo... Cursed Halo. Because I have gone through some shit as well, thus Cursed. Halo because it represents Angels, and my middle name is Angel and the meaning of my first name is Angel. So.. AccursedHalo. Also, it sounds good. My avatar? I think it is a good picture of me and I like the way my hair looks! Lol.
Unicorn was the name of my alma mater's humor magazine, where I was editor-in-chief my senior year. 1824 is when my alma mater was founded.
Rey de reyes is an old nickname I have though I hahaven't been called by it for its original reason in like a decade. No I just use it as an easy to remember screen name.
227 is my birthday. February 27