My boyfriend of 2 years has suddenly broken up with me on the grounds that he has suddenly found god and says he can hear god and that we cannot stay together or make our relationship work because of our difference in religious views. I feel like it’s incredibly unfair for him to have done this.
It is interesting and amazing how often people wil use religion as an excuse to act like an ass.
My first impulse would be to blithely day "good riddance", but that is actually unfair in itself. I know form personal experience that all of my ex's had (some) good qualities which attracted me to them in the first place. The only real true thing I can say about your situation is that if you wre growing in different directions, it is better to find out sooner rather than later.
Best your out of the relationship now before the voices in his head tell him to pick up a gun and be a good christian soldier. I have seen many weak minded people use religion to justify anything...and it's interesting how often "god" tells them to do what they want to do. So your most probably much better off without him in the long run. in five years from now you will be glad your life took a different path than his.
Schizophrenics typically have their first episode of hearing voices in the late teens or early 20s. Just saying....
He probably justifies it by the scripture in the Bible stating not to be unequally yoked with your partner.. . Of course this is open to different interpretations, as is almost every aspect of that book but Honestly , and in my opinion, your best bet is to let him follow that wherever it may take him. Letting go is difficult but necessary in circumstances such as this .There’s very little rationale when it comes to the Christian mindset so this doesn’t surprise me . It’s Unfortunate for you however and I’m sorry to hear that you were treated with such disregard. I hope in time you’ll see that this an opportunity for you to move forward and away from someone who is obviously mentally unhealthy. I wish you the best.