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LINK The US pulls out of the United Nations Human Rights Council

The US doesn't like being called out on its own human rights record.

Ellatynemouth 8 June 19

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That's a good idea since we have a person in charge who is nether right or humane!


Another step towards dictatorship - reminds me of Japan leaving the League od Nations


They join North Korea and Iran as the other major countries refusing to join the council.

t1nick Level 8 June 19, 2018

Oh yeah - we're getting greater alright - at being awful members of the planet !


The only good thing is the more people he pisses off, the more will be against him in the next election.

EdEarl Level 8 June 19, 2018

Unbelievable. Along those lines, I'm protesting in DC this weekend. SATURDAY for the Poor People's Campaign. Join me!? It's all about human rights. we've been denied access to the Capitol Building in KY! I'll make a separate post about it.

That's great. I'd love to see a #workingclasslivesmatter campaign. The RCOM would hate it though.


So, not even lip service now.....




Who takes these decisions? Shouldn't this be based on public opinion?

@Dave75 .. which is sad.

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