Here’s the plan: instead of spending more money on science, we’re spending more money on religion. Since last year’s catastrophic Trinity Lutheran case, churches have been beating down the treasury doors to suck out more and more taxpayer dollars to prop themselves up. Direct federal grants for the repair of churches are already here, and it seems certain that the Supreme Court will overturn state laws like the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom that prevent state funds from being used for this purpose. Government is now providing medical care for retired clergy and paying for religious art inside churches. Betsy DeVos is busily trying to divert billions of dollars from public schools to religious schools, in the face of evidence that shows they produce students with much weaker math skills. Who needs math and science when you’ve bribed God to be on your side?
I liked the comment by Neil Degrasse Tyson that if you include enough religious people in government, at a certain point you wouldn't be able to operate the satellites anymore.
In a hundred years we went from steam locomotives to the smartphone, and it wasn't due to any amount of prayer to a god. I hope those in power have some kind of historical perspective on where the modern world has come from.
Excellent article. It is scary how we are losing to the Chinese.
@Matias The US was very religious, but also very much believed in the separation of Church and State. Most of the religious encroachment into government happened in the 1950s, in response to the godless commies.
When America was at its best, churches did what they did quietly, and kept to themselves. And they let business get down to business.