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...Have i just figured out why guys send dick pics?

Guys send a non filtered dick pic but whats the effect they are after? Is it sex? Or do they want to see your non filtered face with no make up? Tit for tat. 😛

ChrisFrost 5 June 24

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I've gotten many unsolicited "dick pics" and I've never cared deeply enough about the senders to question their motives. As for unfiltered, no make-up pics...I don't ever wear make up and I've never used a filter; regardless, I hardly see a woman's actual face as "retribution" for dick pics.


It has been said of me that I can, at times, a bit tone deaf in picking up some social cues, but I have always understood that no one wants to see pictures of my dick, and have just never understood the impulse of some men to share them.

As for wanting to see a woman without her makeup -- if I want to see that, I'll marry her.


So which is worse. The nonfiltered dic pic or the make up selfie with added filter? Lol. I'm really trying to open eyes here. we all know there are different ppl out there that like different things. I live in the country and it is what it is out here. We played dr when we was little and that was before the dick pic. but we are older now and ppl don't mingle like they once did. The dick pic and snap filters....are a product of being inside before the street light came on looking into a phone that isnt just a phone. Next up VR dick pic and even more body mod filiters for the ladies. 🙂 Unless...

Your analogy makes zero sense to me. Seriously.

@BlueWave one is very real and the other is fake. Seriously. 😛 Its a thing now. These filters.... on top of makeup... its sad. yet all you hear guys bitch about is chicks doing duck face. And chicks bitching about guys in rompers or dick pics. Least it aint fake. I guess you can't take a yin yang?

@ChrisFrost It's your ANALOGY that is illogical. A person using a photo filter is not at all analogous to a man sending and unsolicited photo of his sexual organ. Just stop.

@BlueWave sseriously I don't understand. what is it you don't understand?

@BlueWave ooo I see you read it wrong. I didn't type any thing about unsolicited.


Never photograhed. My final answer.


I th8nk it has to do with the male fascination for the semi-autonomous creature attached to them ( you cannot Make it do anything!). Because they find it so mysterious & magical, obviously we women should too......ever watched a male turkey, or peacock, strut & display, while the female turkey or pea hen busily pecks gravel? Not even glancing up, usually (too funny!). Same thing.......


Unsolicited dick pics go straight in the trashcan of cyberspace...c'mon...a little finesse and foreplay is in order...don't be a Weiner..don't be a

What, exactly would constitute foreplay in this instance? asking for a friend. 🙂

@Secretguy Go Steelers? lol

@thinktwice HAHAHA! I heart you!


There are different reasons. I've received lots of unsolicited dick pics and I have no doubt some have meant 'fu.. you b****'.


Why a man would send an unsolicited one is a little beyond my ken. However, I feel it safe to say that when a lady has requested one, I have been more than happy to comply. Because, yes.

We have been taught, in this culture, that a naked erect penis is the greatest of all taboos. But, may I remind you all, ever so gently, that the ancient Greeks used then as signposts, and considered them sacred.

Deveno Level 7 June 24, 2018

Perhaps we need a visit to Japan ! :



Or is it, perhaps, because they feel aroused and gratified by creating a situation they interpret as sexual with a woman who has not given her consent? If you send an unsolicted dick pic, you're really no different to the grubby flasher who exposes himself to women in public.

Jnei Level 8 June 24, 2018

Nailed it. I think in particular there is a perverse thrill achieved by the non-consent and invasive quality of doing this.

What you say makes perfect sense in social terms. Remember, consent is a social construct, and as civilized beings, we are expected to comply with social standards (no murdering, robbing, lying, etc.).

However, in animal terms, it makes perfect sense for a male to display his virility in the most obvious fashion available, just as it makes sense for a woman to display her fertility. And we often forget that the animal part of our brains often functions unreasonably.

I am NOT condoning, nor advocating the practice. As the recipients are deeply steeped in their own culture, going against its own rules is likely to be taken as an insult, not praise. A man who cannot respect a woman's inner rules reveals himself at once to be a poor choice for a mate.

@pashaonenine I think that's exactly why!



I'm not sure what the desired result is for the man. The result for me is instant revulsion. I'm even turned off by men who post shirtless profile pics. What message are they trying to send?

Deb57 Level 8 June 24, 2018

It seems to me the DESIRED result, is some sort of feminine swooning. Also, yes, it's not too bright. Not the first time an assessment of general idiocy has been assigned to my gender. We think with the wrong head.

@Deveno I consider an online dating site the internet's equivalent of a real life singles' bar. I wouldn't go into a singles' bar without make-up, hair in curlers, and only half dressed. And if i did so, it wouldn't surprise me if I was met with expressions of disgust rather than interest. So when a man takes a picture of himself in the mirror, shirtless and with the loo in the background, he shouldn't be surprised at my look of disgust. I'm more likely to smile at the nerdy looking guy in the tie and jacket.

@Deb57 It does speak to a certain lack of sophistication on said hypothetical male's part. It's clearly not a winning strategy, as evidenced by many of the comments.

But let me ask you this: don't you find it even the least bit oppressive that you are expected to "doll yourself up" to attract a mate?

@Deveno That's a good question. I had to ponder a minute. I have always liked to get "dolled up" on occasion, but I think I do it more for myself than to impress any man. To me, it means that my expectations are high. Yes, I would wish a man to think I bothered to look nice for him, but it also matters to me if he goes to the same bother. In the rural part of "NotChicago, Illinois" where I live, it's pretty common to see single men out on the prowl wearing a T-shirt and a ball cap they got free from some seed company, and strutting as if they are a gift to all womankind. Needless to say, pickin's are slim for someone "picky" like me.

@Deb57 I like to dress up, too. It makes me feel more like I am something special. And I can sympathize with how hard it can be to find someone, when you don't just want "anyone" but a certain KIND of someone.

@Deveno not asking me but I clean up but don't doll up . Yes it does feel oppressive and I was mentally cringing with the OP references to makeup


I believe it has something to do with the fact that it's where the male brain is located.

@CrazyQuilter No silly, our income. Duh!


This is dangerous ground you are treading !

do you feel it is dangerous to talk about this?

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