By entertaining, I mean I don't expect to have a wild time or go spend loads of money on entertainment. I have done it all, got married, raised two boys, and then divorced because of religious differences. He was and still is very religious. Luckily, neither of my sons got religion. I enjoy men if they come up with interesting ideas and ways to spend a lazy Saturday. I am also a freaked out environmentalist who would love to see Trump die today of a stroke. I have no intention of marrying again, but would enjoy some pleasant company on my rounds of the gym, the grocery store and the flea market. If you are as intense about Global Warming as I am, we would have lots to talk about.
Well you seem like an honest, down-to-earth and empathetic person. With your long life's experiences, your children, and your eclectic friends, I'm sure there is more than enough entertainment in your life - so rather than being "entertained", how about if we just have "fun" with each other's company .. as with any participatory human interaction. We certainly share a few basic beliefs, maybe we could create some shared memories as well.
well yes, I am honest and empathetic, but certainly not down to earth. Entertainment for me is exploring Seattle and recently obsessing over the lighted tower cranes. I am currently doing a big painting of them. I grew up with three brothers on a ranch in Wyoming, so I am not an ultra fem type, more like a strong willed bossy yet kind hearted sort. I love dogs and love to hear them snore on my floor at night. I live with young Saudi boys who are here to study, so I spend lots of time doing homework with them and wondering if they ever
Go to the Gambia. You will find lots of young, fit, handsome men there.
If you can lose your hangups, PM me.
(I don't hold my breath on this.)
BTW, what do you mean by entertaining?
You want astronomy, I got a big telescope. You want fishing, I got a lot of tackle. You want electronics, I can show you how to build a transmitter and speak to everyone within (AM) 1/2 mile (FM) 10 miles. You want languages, I can teach you any of them (even Mandinka).
Oh, wait, you meant wining, dining, theatre and sex right?
nope, not wining dining theater and sex....going down at 4 am to shoot pictures of the tower cranes with my that is entertainment I enjoy. I am currently painting an abstract pic of them. Since I am a restless sleeper, I often wake in the middle of the night and paint. I would love share the telescope with you since I am always missing the stars I grew up with in the Big Horn mountains.
I gave up looking. There are plenty of men/women to choose from locally here.
Nah. It's been 1 year and 8 months being single.
Entertainment? I felt like... treated like a piece of meat... that is a "me too moment" on my book. But welcome... we are here... we going nowhere with our empty hands. I knew the time for everything will flip will arrive sooner or later. Welcome.
you feel like you are having a me too moment? Have you been raped too? I have...and it was ugly. However, my idea of entertainment is not a plan to use anyone, but rather find some like minded person that enjoys doing similar things. I am bored with men who think entertainment is a meal, a movie, and a wild sexual romp. That's not me. If you have fun ideas like skipping rocks at the beach or going up into the tallest buildings in the city and taking pictures or going down at 4 am to photograph tower cranes working at night, then that is ENTERTAINMENT for me. Creative thinking
Not good at song and dance, I do read prolifically though so I can converse on many subjects. Although age has reduced my strength, I can still pick up heavy objects if that would entertain you. I have been an atheist since I was allowed to say I was and prior to that I was a known doubting Thomas. I ride bicycles, listen to the Manhattans, Aretha and Drifters, insult Trump supporters and bathe regularly. Please be more specific on what entertains you as seems a little patronizing to throw the entire male of the species under the bus as boring. Thanks, Jerry
I like that you insult trumpanzees.. that is a GREAT quality ! Being in Canada, we don't have many. Trumpanzees here, I have never even met one but I'm READY when and if I ever do.
Hey, they don't call me “Benjamin the Great” for nothing. Actually, they don't call me Benjamin the Great. They don't call me Benjamin... nor do they call me Great... I've been called "the" sometimes, but... um... I'm sorry what were we talking about?
Hi Candace - I am 64 next month and there are very few “nice” senior atheist men out there who are looking for a companion about the same age - most men want someone 10-20 years younger. I am dating someone 70 years old who has the same disability as me (but he is very religious). It all works as long as we avoid discussing religion.
Good luck in finding someone.
And some young ones seek older women - go figure ...
Whatever floats it !
I am atheist and entertaining and a native Seattlite but I chose to leave and explore the world. Have you considered self-entertainment? Then you can stop looking or not. Good luck with your search. I felt the need to add to my comment by mentioning women being entertaining. Your query seems so patronizing even if you don't mean for it to be. Ciao
I have its called pornhub
If you're looking for some strapping bucks for entertainment purposes and you have lots of $$$$$, might I suggest the Caribbean. Lots of middle age women and college girls on spring break head down that way for casual encounters with the local island gentlemen whom western women seem to desire.
Help a Rastafarian buy a new Jeep!
I fart a lot.
I used to know somebody who could fart along to the beat of a Traffic song (forget which one). That was entertaining.
I luv it Kevin.
are you in key?
I still laugh when the Ketchup Bottle farts at the picnic table
BRRP. There it is! BRRP. There it is! BRRP. There it is!...
Hmmmm maybe a man, who can wine and dine this beautiful women, be gentlemanly pull out chairs and open doors, entertain her both comically, intellectually and orgasmicly Just a thought... sounds entertaining to me
PS excuse me if I am too crude
"Would you mind entertaining me comically, intellectually and orgasmicly?" Now that is a refreshingly honest, and quite reasonable, request. Someone in New Zealand really needs to step up here!
You were describing me... Don't stop!
I'm all that and cute too. Jews make the best husbands, you know.
@Unicorn1824 can you be Jewish and an atheist? I guess so. Jewish as an ethnic or cultural identity.
I can wiggle my ears; that's got to be good for six or seven seconds of entertainment. And I'm sardonic, with a dark, irreverent sense of humor, which is good for another three or four minutes of entertainment. After that, it's all downhill.
@Hellbent, I've been able to wiggle my ears since I was in grade school. I actually started by raising my eyebrows and my ears at the same time, then gradually isolating the muscles that control my ears. I can, if I concentrate, even move my ears independently of each other (but for some reason it's easier to wiggle my left ear alone than my right). I'm confident it seems far more glamorous from an outside perspective.
@FortyTwo, I can wiggle my ears for minutes on end, but I'm pretty sure the allure is lost after the first few seconds.
I can wiggle mine even one at a time. I never knew how I just discovered I could.
I can't do either. I'm a total loss.
I KNOW what she means by ENTERTAINMENT!
I'm glad somebody does lol. Is it a southern term lol?
Nah. Southerners are too polite (or inhibited) to speak that way.