Has anyone seen anyone else on here that's gotten to Level 10? I was doing some of the math behind time spent on the site versus amount of activity required to hit 1000000 points... and it's a lot of commenting.
I've seen people up to level 8, but no one higher than that. This community has a lot of members, but it's still relatively small.
With continuous signing in and heavy participation a new member can reach level 6 in well under a month, but then things start to slow down. Level 7 takes 2 and a half times as many points to reach. If you make it to level 7 in say 6 weeks, then you are accumulating points at an average rate of 1,700 points a week. Level 8 is equivalent to reaching level 7 four more times.
By now you are up against further obstacles. Many things for which points are awarded have a maximum limit, so they no longer count. And level nine is like reaching level 7 from scratch, 20 times, but with a handicap on how you become awarded points. The average, regular level 8 member probably gains 3 thousand points per week, meaning a year and a quarter of regular participation. Since this is a new site, for anyone to have achieved level 9 is therefore a phenomenal feat.
But it's not all about rank and points. Their only purpose is to give members more freedom and responsibility within the site. It's another way this site makes it harder for robots and trolls to operate. (All lower level posts and comments are monitored and need to be approved.)
You will come to love your points. Cherish them. Worry over how to earn more.
But, the reward is you will come to believe the rumor that level ten is the rapchur level.
By that point there will be no turning back. You've achieved the highest level of agnosticism.
Eighth world Mario Bros.
That's a good question.
Maybe by the time it takes to get to level 10, people become bored of it.
You can view for yourself. Go to Members, more, super members, and you can see the highest point earners on the site, and yes we do have a level 9 member, This a new site and rapidly growing. Welcome!
Also, you can see the site stats on the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. Click on it.
There is one person at level 9, but yeah, 10 will take a lot of doing.
Have you actually met anyone who has stepped beyond 9?
@Jacar Nope. There is no one who has.
@tnorman1236 Another clue.