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What will be next? Control of the press? He is already killing every thing that he does not care about. They are going to mine in what was a national park.

Marine 8 June 26

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As many as possible.

EdEarl Level 8 June 26, 2018

He is so despicable I cannot stand to look at him.He is an uncontroled wild man and the republicans are afraid of him or agree with what he is doing which is even worse. To make ,matters worse his base seems to support him even though he is taking away their money,security,health and education.Can we last two more years?

Marine Level 8 June 26, 2018

you must not have been in the country when obama was in office
About the same nastiness, except the Dems are going full (national) socialist on us all
But I hope we don't last "two more years"
We need to get this statist violent BS out of the way, and send the socialists & fascists to their retirement camps

@moxy nice to see your Gestapo uniform still fits.......

@moxy I saw the nastiness but it was all directed at Obama and his family. They were burning black men on stakes, defaming his wife and children and had the gall to sign a letter stating they would not pass any legislation he proposed on the the day he was made presirdent because he was black.They stalled his nomination for Supreme Court justice for a year.The republicans are plain rotten to the core.

@AnneWimsey I was Jewish, and no one needs your name calling.. What's that all about?
Are you truly so ignorant of socialism history?

@moxy you mean, like in the Scandinavian countries? Actually, unlike communism, capitalizm, etc. Socialism is the Only theory of living as a group that is not guilty of mass bloodshed or lack of caring. You seem to throw that word around as if it were demonic & i fail to see why

@AnneWimsey nice to see such ignorance of the last hundred years, let alone of Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia,....
This is why we get Trump.. your sort of nastiness

@moxy Cuba was Communist, Venezuela had massive corruption so do not blame socialism for human crap, Cambodia was another warped form of Stalinist cCommunism. You are pretty uninformed, ain'tcha. You can call anything "socialism", BUT despite new-facts a la drumpy, they are not actually facts......not going to address Scandinavian real socialism, are ya?!

@AnneWimsey do you care to offer an opinion that is not a persona attack?
try it; let your intellectual & academic soul emerge.
Apparently leftists define socialism as they choose, and ignore 100 years of history of applied socialism
Is this stupidity, or just ignorance?
"socialism" .. a political environment by which the State, its politicians & bureaucrats, control the means of production & distribution; some insist the State should "own" the means in the manner of the USSR.. this is "real socialism"; others are happy with National Socialism, where the thugs just control everything.
Same regressive, violent creepiness, like the modern Amerikan politicians like Trump, obama, and Clinton.
you see i don't disagree about any Trump comments; I just notice they also apply to other darlings, like most democrats

@moxy you are perfectly describing Communism, sweetie. In Socialism, as practiced to the benefit of all, the government does not control production, distribution it!

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