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Good unknown restaurants in phoenix ?

joshvernon21 2 June 27

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They're all hiding. You'll never find them.


I would say "good unknown" is an oxymoron, isn't?


Are you new to Phoenix, or just looking for good restaurants that aren't as of yet popular? Clarification, please.


We did some acid. We were young. It was the late 70s.

We drove around boston for at least an hour looking for a restaurant. We were interested in some place not crowded, not ordinary, as usual.

We had done this in chicago (italian), and dc (lebonese), and peducah (american) which was surprisingly larger than anyone reasonable could expect.

We were at the end of our endurance when we parked in front of a full-window-faced-mid-block-not-too-busy.

We were the only ones there for nearly 3 hours. Great food.

My most clear experience of being in the twilight zone.

JacarC Level 8 June 27, 2018

You can try google reviews or some travel review site.

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