Trump Pinata
8 hours ago8h

Posted by zeuser
The point, I guess, is that it's hard to spot a journalist in a list of government officials if you aren't looking.
1 comment
Trump Pinata
1 week ago1w

Posted by EricJones
trump and all the minions he has running (ruining) the government are living proof that this country so desperately needs the department of education.
Trump Pinata
1 week ago1w

Posted by EricJones
I've been listening to Canadian government leaders, both national and provincial, talk about tariffs and it's nice to hear somebody who gets to the point, knows what they're talking about, and not going on about how the European Union was formed to ...
General & Hellos
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
"When a man unprincipled in private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habitsā€”despotic in his ordinary demeanourā€”known to have scoffed in private at the ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by William_Mary
Over the past 2 and a half decades, our governments has thrown several trillions of our tax dollars into wars and manufactured chaos across the globe. We are currently supporting and funding at least 2 wars, argument-ally, genocides {Gaza-Lebanon and...
Trump Pinata
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by EricJones
Old donnie boy keeps saying the American economy is headed in a different direction. He's right-it's going from low unemployment, lowering inflation, lowering interest rates, slow but steady growth. And now he's going to totally destroy all of it. ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by William_Mary
Washingtonā€™s IMF Stranglehold In the deeply undemocratic institution, the U.S. effectively holds a veto over any major changes and molds policies according to its whims. As a result, the IMF senior staff defers to any policy made by the U.S. ...
1 comment
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by William_Mary
Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war In the period of crisis the hegemony of the United States will operate more completely, more openly, and more ruthlessly than in the period of boom. The United States will seek to overcome and ...
1 comment
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by William_Mary
Trump-Zelensky shouting match exposes clash between US and European powers In publicly berating Zelensky, Trump sought to appeal to domestic disillusionment with the Ukraine war, which enjoys no significant support outside of the affluent ...
1 comment
Out Of The Illusion
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by William_Mary
Trump-Zelensky shouting match exposes clash between US and European powers In publicly berating Zelensky, Trump sought to appeal to domestic disillusionment with the Ukraine war, which enjoys no significant support outside of the affluent ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by William_Mary
Ukraine Timeline Tells the Tale Without historical context, which is buried by corporate media, itā€™s impossible to understand Ukraine. Historians will tell the story, but journalists are cut short for trying to tell it now. The way to prevent...
1 comment
Trump Pinata
1 month ago1m

Posted by EricJones
While presiding over trumps cabinet meeting, president musk said that the government must stop deficit spending because the interest the government pays on the bonds is the biggest budget expense, that's why severe cuts to staff must be made I have ...
Just for Laughs
1 month ago1m

Posted by EricJones
If I worked for the government and got that email from musk about what I did last week, I would have said Monday I did Sally, Tuesday I did Mary, Wednesday I did Debbie, Thursday I did Suzette(oh YES) and Friday I did Diane. That's what I did last ...
Trump Pinata
1 month ago1m

Posted by RobertNappi2
You want to weed out corruption in the US government? Just publish Epstein's list!!! I know we would have to hold a new election...
Trump Pinata
Jan 22Jan 22

Posted by EricJones
trump bragged about being the law and order president (and the party too). he started a raging mob that attacked the capital and tried to overthrow the peaceful transfer of the government. he claims (without proof) that southern countries are ...
News & Links
Jan 20Jan 20

Posted by ClassicalRebel
Another WarningIn his farewell address President Eisenhower warned of the growing influence of the military industrial complex. "A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready ...
Uncommon words and their meanings.
Jan 15Jan 15

Posted by Marionville
KLEPTOCRACY - Nounā€¦a society or system ruled by people who use their power to steal their countryā€™s resources; a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to expropriate the wealth of the people and land that they ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
Jan 11Jan 11

Posted by William_Mary
Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war In his monumental essay ā€œThe Class Struggles in France,ā€ one of the earliest applications of the method of historical materialism to the analysis of politics, Karl Marx noted that the ā€œsecret of...
1 comment
News & Links
Jan 7Jan 7

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKHow you can protect democracy
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
Jan 4Jan 4

Posted by William_Mary
An Ignored US Diplomatā€™s Warning on Russia In an interview with Natylie Baldwin, E. Wayne Merry reflects on his 1994 State Department telegram concerning Western relations with post-Soviet Russia. The National Security Archive recently ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
Jan 2Jan 2

Posted by William_Mary
Escaping wokeness | Canadian family moves to Russia As Western nations push a queer agenda on its citizens, many are not buying it. Some are taking it upon themselves to escape it, and move to Russia, which has become a refuge for those with ...