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What's your favorite place to go on vacation? I like the beach because it's warm and I go with my family somewhat regularly, but I also like visiting my backwoods family in West Virginia. They are very religious, but they really know how to eat, and they play volleyball every family reunion.

Janus819 7 Dec 31

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Atlantic City New Jersey and stay at a casino resort. The beach is close by, and just about every casino down there has a swimming pool.

Beachfront casino even better 🙌 u just reminded me what to do in Jan !

@Pralina1 My favorite there is the Hard Rock Casino Resort.

@SpikeTalon I was looking at that too .


My favorite place is the Great Smoky Mountains in Eastern Tennessee and North Carolina. It's been about nine years since my last visit. I'm long overdue.

Duke Level 8 Jan 20, 2018

New York City


I have a lot of friends in Florida that I try and visit as often as I can. I mostly like social events over destination-type vacations, but I went to Reykjavik last year for Christmas and totally fell in love with it.


I have a house in North Carolina and I go there in the summers to get relief from the Florida sun. My daughter and I travel quite a lot and enjoy visiting many other countries. Believe it or not I belong to a wonderful Humanist group there.

PEGUS Level 5 Dec 31, 2017
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