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What do people think about the seperation of families who are breaking the law by coming here illegally over the border?

I went to a rally yesterday to support keeping families together and I realized it was more about hating Trump than reuniting families. So what do atheists feel about ICE police and what is happening on our borders?

IpraiseMYSELF 6 July 1

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When the OP doesn't even spell-check the title of their own thread, my expectations are not high, but here goes:

Many families arrive at border crossings and apply for asylum or refugee status. This is ENTIRELY LEGAL. There are international agreements that the US is signatory to to this effect. These families are arriving legally and operating entirely within the legal framework. I would hope we can at least agree that the children in these cases should not be taken away from their parents, which is not what's happening at the moment. If you punish people for taking the legal route you simply encourage them to take an illegal one.


@IpraiseMYSELF I am an immigrant. Now a proud American. I don't feel sorry for illegals. Why some people think it's my responsibility to feel sorry for them? I know, It's a difficult concept to grasp, particularly when it's being handled by emotions and hate against Trump than anything else. It's important to emphasize that this has been going on for years and never anybody lost their mind about until now. If people think the ones steering the pot care about this illegals then they are sadly mistaken. That is a hard fact and the responses I have gotten so far a) Does my Nazi suit still fits me? (well, I have never been a Nazi and for those that do not have a clue about what they are talking about, that's actually a question in the paperwork to apply for Citizenship...I was cleared as non Nazi) b) Of course I got called all the names in the book and then I was blocked, when as everyone that has been talking to me knows I don't fall for foul language c) Some must truly believe I am a horrible person because they stopped talking to me altogether with no explanation. Well, it is true that I can control what I say, not what people choose to make out of it. Just to wrap it up, thanks for speaking up. I do support legal immigration 100%, period. No exceptions.

@SpikeTalon one of my most important accomplishments so far, without a doubt.

You are an amazing person and I'm glad your here! You speak for truth and justice and that is what being American is all about!

@IpraiseMYSELF thanks, I am truly hoping all our fellow Americans will see the reality of how this country does welcome everyone willing to follow due process.


@IpraiseMYSELF Quite a few have blocked me along the way for saying exactly the same thing, it's about hating Trump more than anything else. You were there, you saw it....

@SpikeTalon yeah, sad and true


I think you don’t traumatize children if at all avoidable, in order to punish parents.

So do you think children are traumatized when they see their parents are arrested?

Do you think we should have sent the children back home without parents after we arrested their parents for committing crimes? or should we not arrest criminals coming over the border? If we are going to start changing laws then why not stop arresting Americans when they trespass in your home? What if they do not have a home? they need yours! Their children are starving so why can't they just enter your house and eat your food to save themselves? Why aren't you letting all the homeless people in this country in to your house to spend the night in the winter when they are cold? If they broke in would you want them arrested?

@IpraiseMYSELF you don't generally bother arresting people that commit minor infractions, crossing the border is a misdemeanor. The trespassing comparison is a terrible example of false equivalency. I mean, like class A ignorance.

@dellik Your a liar, it is the exact same thing and both of them are misdemeanors! Plus people are arrested in this country every day for misdemeanors. Again when they are proven wrong they try to justify their crimes!

@IpraiseMYSELF someone having a different view of something than you do does not make them a liar.

@IpraiseMYSELF probably yes, seeing a parent arrested could be traumatic for a child, to a lesser degree than, say, seeing that parent beat up by the police or being removed from their parent and put into an institution.

@A2Jennifer Your right a different opinion does not make you a liar! But a lie is a lie and stating that we don't bother arresting people that commit minor infractions, like a misdemeanor is a LIE!

@IpraiseMYSELF the use of the word “generally” means that it’s not an absolute statement. We do not HAVE to arrest people for misdemeanors because there are other options.

@A2Jennifer Tell that to all the people in this country who have misdemeanors on their records. Tell that to the police officers who arrest people in this country for misdemeanors. How is it fair that in this country we prosecute some people for misdemeanors and do not prosecute others? So the OPTION you are stating here is arrest some people for misdemeanor crimes like marijuana, or paraphernalia charges but when people come to this country illegally we should not only let them go but offer them citizenship without them going through the proper LEGAL APPLICATIONS AND REGULATIONS?

@IpraiseMYSELF I actually don’t think anyone should be arrested for marijuana either, and I definitely didn’t imply that they should be. There are lots of things about our criminal justice system that are unfair. Objecting to one course of action - separating children from their families and putting them into internment camps - in no ways implies endorsement of completely unrelated things done in the name of “the law.”


If we can't effectively resolve or issues of refugees, homeless, and starving in the world, we are probably doomed as a race. Unless someone decides to cull humans, and maybe that decision is already been made, covertly.

So here are some uncomfortable facts: We are now witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record. An unprecedented 68.5 million people around the world have been forced from home. Among them are nearly 25.4 million refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18. []

And in the US, supposedly a 'have' country, there are 13.1 million households with children that often go hungry at least once a day, and more than 500,000 people are homeless. Should we count these as social refugees?

But ignoring the foreign homeless by saying send them back to where they came from only avoids the problem, so it will come back to haunt us one way or another. If we decide to manage the problem in a humanitarian way, we will make progress. But if we choose to ignore the problem and just dispose of the people "causing the problem," we're just delaying the inevitable.

There are no easy answers, as we know since we've been here before; after all, what does anyone think the Statue of Liberty was about? This is not a first.

The U.S. is not the police of the world even though we have played the part. We are also not the doctors of the world, even though we have payed the dues for the worlds medicine. Now we are to be the savior of the world? Where is the united nations and why are they not doing shit about this? It always falls on the U.S. I say either take on our laws and pay taxes or fight for your own freedoms like our father did in this country!

@IpraiseMYSELF You obviously feel passionately about what you say. I would just suggest that you research the American government's role in every conflict and war since 1945; i mean both overt and covert involvements like in Central America. The US Iran-Contra hearings will give you the flavour of what you'll read if you go on to explore how previous American governments have done business around the world. It's all a matter of historical and American Senate records so it would all be on the internet. Be well.

@josephr I agree that the U.S. has done some shady things as has the rest of the world powerhouses or the world in general. I am still trying to figure out how it all falls on the shoulders of president Trump though. thanks, be well also!

@KBJ41 Why did the CIA create bin laden? Wasn't that because Bush wanted to take all his oil, or do you think they were both in on it together like I have heard so many times on the internet.

@KBJ41 Please enlighten us on another one of your conspiracy theories about how the U.S. is out to get everyone. And what exactly is the motive for this attack on the world by the U.S. government?

@KBJ41 By the way if the U.S. is so bad and out to get everyone like you claim, then why are all these refugees coming here? Do you think they like drama and want to be apart of conspiracy?

@IpraiseMYSELF When a person's life is an ongoing tragedy, anyplace looks like nirvana, especially if that's how it's portrayed in all the media to people who don't know better. Walk in their shoes for a minute if you can.


It's gut wrenching.
But what's the alternative if we're to vette immigration?
"Illegal" is the operative word here.

I agree, at the rally I stood up and said we should keep the families together by sending them all back to Mexico together. The police had to surround me from getting attacked. Their signs were more about Trump than anything else. I then realized that this had nothing to do with families and everything to do with grown babies still crying about Hillary losing to Trump.

I'm finding the same thing here frequently if I disagree with a liberal''s post or response to a post.

@Stacey48 My grandmother was an immigrant from Germany who fled to America from Hitler so I know that there is more than just Mexicans trying to cross the border illegally and that is the problem! My grandmother fled here in a much worse time than now, and she came here legally. She worked her ass off to learn English and pass all the tests this country put her through, and she did it with pride. When she became a citizen here she was so proud to be an American! Now I see the majority, not all, but the majority of immigrants coming here and flying their countries flag. The same countries they fled from. Then they send money from this country over seas to their families and destroy our economy. Our fathers fought in the revolutionary war for our freedoms, so why won't these people stand and fight for their freedoms. Are you going to send your children to fight and die for their freedoms in their country? Are you going to fight terrorists in their countries? I went to the rally to voice my opinion which is what makes this country great! I will not be belittled by people who want to silence others just so they can achieve their agenda! That is a dirty Hilary Clinton tactic. I BELIEVE IN HELPING CHILDREN. First in this country, and we are not doing a good job helping our own in this country so how can we help others? Letting people come here illegally is an insult to my grandmothers efforts and is to everyone who came here legally. If you want to help other countries so much then maybe you should move there and fight for them on the front lines, it will also open up a new spot for someone who wants to be a legal citizen!


@IpraiseMYSELF Jesus Christ on a bike, man. Can't you go 5 minutes without mentioning Hillary? That was nearly two years ago. Get over it.

Hillary has become the new Hanoi-Jane!!!

@Gareth Why should I get over it when her followers won't. I'm still celebrating her loosing the presidency and probably will be for the entire time Trump is in office! I think the majority of people did not even vote for Trump but voted against Hillary. Now every time I see you post I'm going to mention Hillary, LOL.

@Gareth, @Stacey48 You said you would MOST LIKELY, foster a child if NEED BE! Your full of sh*t, because there is always a need for children to have foster parents so why haven't you done it to legal children in this country. Now you want to foster illegal children? I call BULLSHIT! I SERIOUSLY DOUBT that you work with children.

@Stacey48 LMAO!!!! If you do not give a shit about what I think then why did you make comments on my thoughts? What is the insult? That I do not believe what you said and want proof? What anger? It seems to me that your the one who is angry!

@Stacey48 You claim that I am angry, but I am not! You claim that I am provoking you, yet I didn't even know you until you commented on my thoughts. You are the one who is mad but I think I know why. I looked up one of your last comments and this is what you said, "Anger is a basic human emotion. I don't think being angry and upset are bad, It's more about how it's expressed. Behavior can be bad, not emotions." So obviously you think it is only ok to be angry if it is you who are angry! By the way I'm not angry, but if I was you said it is ok, right?

@SpikeTalon I can see why you have her blocked!

@SpikeTalon, @Stacey48 You said you "went to the rally to draw attention to a terrible issue that needs to be addressed." Well you have certainly done that, the issue that you are drawing attention to is that these parents are willing to drag their kids through hell and even bring them to death in order to cross the border illegally! If you really care about these kids then why is it ok for their parents to teach them to break the law. Why is it ok for these parents to FORCE their children into a situation that can kill them? I'm not sure we should give these children back to these parents!!!!!!

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