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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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The fact that you do not want to engage with Christians says more about their likely intolerance than their love for you.A true follower of Jesus would listen to your views however antipathetic they were to his or her faith without rancour in the hope that you may see the light one day.Even if you made it clear that you cannot envisage circumstances in which a leap of faith would be possible your believer interlocutor should should continue to hope you may change your mind whilst holding out the hand of friendship.If anger is the reaction to the communication of your views try someone else but do not give up.You do not live in Iran or parts of Indonesia but in the USA which guarantees freedom of speech

I agree with this completely. Like any group there are assholes and decent folk. All of my Christian friends recognize my views and respect me enough not to preach. I in return respect their right to believe what they want as well.

@Quarm it seems nowadays we cannot have a rational conversation with religious fundamentalists as any criticism of their beliefs causes them to take immediate offence closing down any further meaningful communication.The reaction is even more pronounced if any reference to texts that call for violence against sinners or apostates as many adherents of the world’s major religions would prefer to avoid such teachings and emphasise the positive humane aspects of their beliefs such as the giving of alms to the poor and loving one’s neighbour.


Agnostic can be a easier way as most religious people understand what agnostic is. Atheist is moor taboo and also misunderstood more so with out the chance to explain your beliefs they could presume some stupid idea about what that really means. I say Atheist whenever possible. Mainly to draw out any misconceptions but this can be riskier as could leave someone ignorant believing very incorrect info about you.

Echo7 Level 3 Oct 13, 2018

I personally wouldn’t bring it up unless prompted, and even then, I’m careful to read the situation before spilling the beans.


I don't. I guess mainly because I don't see myself as an atheist because I never went to church. I say stuff like "I'm a retired physician." or "I'm a mandolin player". Because those things are real to me, whereas their religion is real to them.

jafbm Level 5 Oct 12, 2018

I usually do not go out of my way to talk about religion to people I've just met. Usually I just say "no" if people ask if I go to church. Most of the time they don't try to press the matter. I don't mind a good discussion in certain circumstances though. It just depends on them.


Sorry, that just isn’t my jam.


how i tell religious people i'm an atheist: i say "i'm an atheist." i don't hang out with religious people, but you never know -- you could get a religious cabbie or be in a social situation with strangers. it can happen. so if someone asks, and it's not inappropriate to ask, i answer directly and honestly. if someone does NOT ask but just assumes, i respond similarly but perhaps with slightly less patience.



I consider myself an agnostic, but still...

I live in Mormon Central — and at work, it’s even worse. But I am also a science teacher. Not exactly a place where I can talk about religion, anyway. For the most part, when I hear the religious stuff, I just nod my head and say nothing (yes, with colleagues, as well) — I am vastly outnumbered and don’t care to get into a religious discussion, especially since I could become very unpopular very quickly if I were to tell Mormons why their church is full of bull. If someone were to ask directly, I’d just go with something like “I’m not LDS” and that would likely be sufficient. If they push, I’d tell them I used to be, so no, they needn’t convert me.

With the students, I DEFINITELY can’t state my religious beliefs (or nonbeliefs). I talk very generally about religion — for instance, I told them there are plenty of scientists who are also religious, including a lot at BYU (just around the corner), so no one had to feel that it was an either/or situation. That’s about it. I’ve been warned about saying anything, including correcting a student who has an actual misconception about something in the Mormon church. Doesn’t matter if that’s a factual bit of knowledge as opposed to a belief one — it’s off limits.

I guess I’ve had people say “I’m Mormon” and I’ve said “I’m not”. But again, that’s really as far as anyone asks, and unlike those in the prominant religion in my area, I’m not out to convert anyone.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 8, 2018

I say "I'm not religious" at work. Where I live it could get in the way of my career but I don't want to hide or lie. So I say that and let them figure it out.

Away from work I freely tell people "I am an athiest" or "I don't believe in God" if it comes up. It rarely comes up but if it does I don't hold back. But I'm not going to go out of my way to bring it up. To me that's too much like proselytizing.


It depends on how polite the tone of the conversation. Normally I just say I'm not a believer, and politely answer any questions that follow that disclosure. I have many theist friends who are okay with my atheism.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

If i am asked by a religious person if i believe i tell them i am Agnostic and that i behave the way God would want a person 2 treat other people and Animals! And that i have nothing against you in believing.


Sometimes i say "i am an atheist," sometimes i say "i hold no gods" and sometimes i say "i'm jewish," depending on the context (i am a jewish atheist but that's hard for some people to understand, and i would hate for folks to think judaism was itself an atheistic religion -- too many christians already hate jews!) i don't hide who i am.



The only times I miss the church are Christmas eve and Easter Sunday. I loved the music, the mellow feeling, the GIFT (plant or glow in the dark plastic cross) finally realized the 'mellow feeling' was mostly alcohol. I could not understand why un-baptised babies couldn't go to heaven, went to limbo? even if they had never seen a Christian who could baptised them. God loves all the little children? Too many rules, coveting is as bad as murder. My head spins. I agree with the golden rule many members subscribe to, but reserve the right to loudly disagree with hypocrites.


I had a lady ask me if I believed in God and I replied, "Who's God?". The problem as I see it is not the belief in God but the belief that your God only has value if it or the belief in it gives you some undefined superiority over the ones who choose not to believe or believe in a different God.

Quarm Level 6 Aug 24, 2018

If I am asked that irrational question, I parse the stupidity of it all.... What is a gawd ? I ask. Why "believe in doors" when all you have to do is walk in doors never needing door beliefs, because doors exist.....Where are these "gott" things the Germans put on every Nazi belt buckle... ' gott MIT UNS" sounds just like IN gawd WE TRUST.... a fascist mantra to call people to war not peace


Trump not the most politically savvy man around claimed to be a believer and had his Bible with him on his inauguration day. I could tell by his body language it was a stunt. Believer or not he needed to appeal to a country that does not take well to Atheism. Even non religious people bulk at the idea. Exceptions abound of course and varies State to State. So tred carefully if you don't want to upset them.

Personally if your not willing to lie then your silence is a better option. Its not fair but as an Atheist you must see the world as it is. If you disagree I will not mind. I like disagreement it stimulates my mind but I implore you to only reject this because
you think it is wrong not because you don't like it.

sorry to be clear my point about Trump was that cluessless as he is even he recognised or agreed that America does not take well to Atheism.

McCarthyism is alive and well in USA....Our nation was founded without the gawd sound never once being printed/scribed into the Constitution.... Masons, Atheists, Unitarians and freethinkers like Ethan Allen all wanted a country where religious tests were illegal... thus sayeth Article 6 of 1787 ....the trinitarian garbage of Church of England was repudiated and colonial theocracies were criminalized.....none the less, religion has been a tool to conquer Native Tribes and destroy their natural scientific lifestyles....makes me wanna puke in the face of any criminal theocrat who claims USA is xian or 'judeo-xian" as if anti-semitism never ruled xian communities for 200 years .... now it's popular to murder Palestinians and steal their land because YHWH the alleged bible gawd Jehovah is favored by zionists


Why would you say you are an atheist unless someone asked you, I am 71 and I have never been asked.

I was lied to as a child to "believe" in Santa, boy Ishtar bunnies laying candy eggs on dogshit lawns and alleged vaginal virgins birthing alleged baby gawds in dirty donkey stables.... I just could not take all those lies looking forward to school in kindergarten to learn science, math and arts....yes, I was told Atheists are rattlesnakes and komnists from Soviet Union but I found my heroic role models in the library and in Disney Science films, Einstein was a great Atheist using his mind not age 10 I documented how McCarthyism took over the Boy Scouts comparing my brother's 1949 Scout Handbook and the 1962 version I was told I must buy to become an Eagle Scout.... right there on page 4 was the Pledge of Allegiance printing a gawd into existence that was not there 13 years before....I was proud to be an Atheist and reject the hypocritical believers busy getting baptized as if they were ethically better people for taking a bath in public....Vice President Bush insulted my friend Rob Sherman in the Chicago Hilton Airport press conference when the killer CIA scum said: " I don't know if Atheists can be good citizens, nor patriots, this is one nation under gawd." All Rob asked for American Atheist Press was: " Mr Vice President, as President what will you do for American Atheists ?" 1987 campaign reporters all laughed and censored the news of this bigots insults to millions of Atheist scientists, inventors, Veterans and honest business/community leaders.....Donald Kaul and Molly Ivins broke the censorship months later....Thomas Jefferson was vilified as an "Atheist" by his political opponents, USA has always danced around the secularism flag pole suiting bigots and patriots alike


“I am an atheist”?


I never volunteer.... if they really push the envelope and want to know then usually all I have to do is to say "you don't want to know". That throw them off and cannot tell if I am joking or what.


Just say "I am yet to see compelling evidence for any supernatural entity". Most will dazel at your big words and move on to talking about something else.

If they want to start to convince you, I ask for a set date and time to debate. No one will take you up on it. I think many who claim religion are really on our team and are not at a place where they can embrace it. I am content to let them do as they like.

I don't think you can debate religion with a believer. If they agree to do it, what they are really saying is they will give YOU a chance to suspend disbelief.

@AJ413 You are not wrong, debates are there to help those who are still trying to figure things out. If someone is "sold out" then really it is just banter.


I don't start by telling anyone I'm an atheist. If a person who doesn't know that I am starts sharing about their beliefs but keeps it brief, I say nothing. If a person shares about their beliefs to the degree that it's obvious they want to keep the topic going, or makes an automatic assumption that I share their beliefs (not uncommon in my neck of the Bible Belt) I enlighten them by saying I am not a believer. For acquaintances who know that I am an atheist, but bring up the subject for more than 10 seconds, I make one attempt to change the subject. If they persist, I leave them to their own company. Life is just too short.

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 16, 2018

I'm a "devout agnostic", but I never volunteer the fact. I just smile and nod when religious beliefs cross my path.

AJ413 Level 3 Aug 13, 2018

When I was a (paid) construction supervisor for Habitat for Humanity, sometimes people would ask me. I talked about the work, how the ancients believed we should do our best work, even where it doesn't show, because the gods can see in there. But I believed that we should do our best work where it mattered, whether that is concealed inside an electrical box, or outside where it is visible. And I didn't care whether "the gods" can see in there or not.

Sometimes, if someone pressed me one-on-one, I'd admit that I was a "born-again heathen", which threw them because they (briefly) thought I was going to say something else. (To their credit, Habitat never asked me about my "faith" before I was hired. And it was a broad, major-metropolitan chapter of HfH which was non-sectarian and was not affiliated with any specific church. I don't think I could have worked for a specific-church-based group.)

In other contexts, I'm open about being an atheist, though I might say secular humanist first. I have complained that there is no "secular humanist" check-off on Matchdotcom, and if you are on there, you should, too. Sometimes I say, "I'm a Free-thinker, which is an old name for an atheist." "Free-thinker," because the word is so little-known today, seems less threatening to the religious believers. I might speak about freedom of religion, which I do believe in, and I say there is no freedom of religion unless there is freedom FROM religion. Everyone is an atheist regarding other people's gods. (If you're not sure about that, ask a Christian if they believe in Allah, or Thor.)

There is no telling what words might offend people, though. I recently told my sister "I'm not a religious man," which she surely already knew. (She was asking me to participate in a ceremony that I chose not to do so.) Her response was that she hated that word ("religious" ) and didn't want to hear it again (though it surely describes her and the upbringing she is giving her kids). My response was that I had said the same "I'm not a religious man" to our very devout, late grandfather, and he just replied, "I know."

Sorry for running on so long. Thanks for listening. I'm glad to be here.


Unless the topic of religion is raised, I don’t feel the need to state that I’m atheist. If it is though, and the person is really bible thumping, I will tell them matter-of-factly that I’m a non-believer, and depending on their reaction, we will continue conversing or I will politely withdraw from the discussion.

Shade Level 5 Aug 7, 2018

I am an athiest!


I am direct because I have no doubt. I don't believe in god or religion.

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