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What non-materialistic things do you do to increase your happiness?

I've recently started a journey to increase my overall happiness. This tends to increase with experiences over purchasing things. Curious what some of the great members of this community do to increase their happiness?

CharlesH 4 July 5

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Sing karaoke with friends at various places as often as possible. Play with my dogs.


Meditate. Give sincere complements. Get plenty of sleep, eat right and exercise. Learn something new every day. I often use this site for the last one.


If there's one single thing that could enhance my quality of life it would be enough money to protect myself against poverty. Sorry. But it's dirty cash.

I understand that. Just curious on what people do to create their own happiness. Although we may believe, and possibly need, more money - surely there are other things we do to keep ourselves happy?

Agreed, although money does not qualify as "non-materialistic" the act of squirrelling away a healthy amount greatly reduces potential stress of worrying about going hungry or homeless.

Making money does make me happy - but aren't all Capricorns like that?


Well, if the constant anxiety about poverty was removed, then everything would be different. I would probably focus on different goals and lots of other stuff.


About ten years ago, on the way to work I heard a report about how many natural resources, especially water, are being used when manufacturing clothes. That stirred me. So I stopped buying retail clothing , except underwear, and became a thrift shop shopping fan.
It makes me happy to think that I have better clothes than I could afford to buy, kept used clothing from being dumped and have met many,many good people.


Smile. Laugh. Breathe. And right at the moment, since about 5a and most mornings, windows open, enjoy the cool breeze and listen to the myriad birds that flock to my garden.


Moving to the coast. Feeling grateful to grace the shoreline. How fortunate am I to be here?

Pook Level 5 July 6, 2018

I clean. Cleanliness and order make me happy.


I find being a slave to hummingbirds is a constant joy. It's the LITTLE things, sometimes! 😀

I love hummingbirds! I couldn't get it going this year though. I was really busy in the spring and when they didn't come for the first meal I offered, I didn't have the motivation to keep cleaning the bottles and replenishing. Next year for sure!


Learning new things makes me happy and I love to get online to research things that pique my curiosity. For example, I was reading a book that mentioned oxytocins as contributing to people's desire to join groups, so I've been researching that a bit.

I also planted flowers and enjoy watching them bloom, as well as the antics of my pets.

Thank you! I've been reading a lot lately. I like the idea of planting things, I may try that!

I am absolutely the same -- insatiable curiosity.

And, I LOVE seeing my flowers bloom. I didn't plant any in my new yard this year -- buying a house again is EXPENSIVE!!

If any fence builders want to donate their time, I'll be your BFF for life!!! 😉


I like random acts of kindness...complimenting strangers, leaving small works of arts around my community, etc. I think doing everyday things and taking time enjoy them adds happiness...feeding the pets, reading a book, dancing music, smile at nothing in particular. I am very happy with my life.


I crank up music and dance, I sing, and I get on the floor to cuddle with my dogs.

UUNJ Level 8 July 5, 2018

Cuddle my little buddy Zeus.


Activities of the past that greatly increased happiness were:
Acting in theater productions
Playing in Orchestra pit
Playing in Orchestras
Playing in bands
Singing in choirs (not church)

Current activities to increase happiness:

Debate theists (not online but in person (Hard to judge their reactions on line) ) It is actually thrilling to de-convert theists from the darkness of superstition into the light of reason and reality. It takes a LOT of background research to reach a level that allows you to destroy their arguments but it really is work the time.


I find the wonder and joy in life. The infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand, the joy of tasting a juicy, ripe peach. Intense, playful, passionate and determined, I have fun every day.

I love hiking to high alpine lakes surrounded by white glaciers and jagged mountain peaks. After dark, I look up and feel awed by the glowing Milky Way and billions of sparkling stars. We all need more low-level ecstasy in our lives.

Running, hiking and weightlifting increase endorphins and fill me with happiness. After working out, I dance down the gym steps.

Reading feeds my active mind and teaches me about different people, countries and cultures.

Since 2006 as a volunteer, I have helping low income, first generation students write essays for college entry and scholarships. One of my best success stories is Brenda, who won $269,445 in scholarships in 2016.

Last May, I was given the first Scholarship Rockstar Award from the Wenatchee School District College Mentor Program.

Last week, I took three of the young ladies I mentored on an easy hike around Icicle Gorge. We will do a hike again and invite more girls I mentored.

Being a college mentor is the most rewarding volunteer work I have ever done.

Amazing story with your volunteer work - I'm inspired!

Thank you!


Improving my sleep has increased my happiness.





Mindfulness. It grounds me and helps me be aware of what I'm feeling so I don't go out and spend money I don't have much of on things I don't need.


Reading. Dancing. Playing with my animals. Cooking and baking vegan meals and treats.


I paint. I'm an artist by profession but it gives me great satisfaction. I'm not into shopping unless it is for art supplies but I don't find it being materialistic. Just necessary.


Go volunteer somewhere. Even if it's to go pet kittens at a shelter. They need to be socialized. Volunteering at a hospital would be good as well and help you to appreciate or be happy with what you have.


Sing, have deep conversations, learn about new things, go to plays, exercise and walk on the beach. That’s just a few things 🙂

@Phillydrl I am sure it can’t be that bad 🙂

@Phillydrl I am sure you have other talents ??


Read a lot, some sewing. It’s too hot/humid to now but I do like to go walking.


Soak in hot bubble bath. Excercise regularly. Sit outside under the carport with a cup of coffee when it's raining. Do nothing but relax on weekends.


Grow a garden for all to use from plants found, give away my children's books, help all when i can, meditate and dance, help out at the horse riding school


Exercise, read, and listen to and try to play music.

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