Have you ever thought about ( this is paraphrasing a Lily Tomlin routine, but it's a valid question) the fact that in prayer, people talk to god, but, if a person claims God has spoken to them most people, even the religious, think they are crazy. Isnt this admitting, in a way, that you don't think god is really there?
On the brighter side..."One ringy dingy...Is this the person to whom I am speaking?"
Is it just me, or does this question assume that gawd is an actual thing?
No, though I see what you mean. It refers to the perception of the people involved that god is an actual thing.
Actually I get the impression that most religious people accept the silly notion that God speaks to them.
I'm not sure. I do hear people speaking of God telling them things in the intuitive sense, but not usually the literal sense, with a voice.