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Men Or Women? Which Of The Two Is Most Intelligent?

Let The battle of the Sexes Begin!
Who do you believe is more intelligent and why?
There is an overwhelming amount of articles online suggesting one gender is more intelligent than the other.
Please give me your honest answer and explain why you believe your answer.

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  • 37 votes
twshield 8 Jan 3

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I'm saying women, for at least two reasons. Females have had longer to evolve And there must be a reason why males have always tried to use religion or pregnancy or force to delay female progress.

how have women had longer to evolve

@btroje because in the beginning there were only women, then one of them had a male child....... oh wait, I think I'm making up a new religion....

Although poorly written: []


Intelligence has no correlation with one sex or the other.


The fact that a man asked this question is just more proof that women are, obviously, the more intelligent.

Gotta agree on this one

@twshield Hi twshield, the purpose of my comment was to (attempt) to add humor to the discussion. I apologize if you took it as an insult or misunderstanding of your intent. Thanks for sparking a lively discussion.

@twshield haha, i had choice you were questioning my peeps intelligence..


Women are more intelligent. Okay, who wants to date me now?

Duke Level 8 Jan 3, 2018

No takers? See? Just based on this little experiment, Women are smarter.

I rest my case.

Pick me!! LOL

@Funeralgirl Oh, you have kitties. You're first on my list! 😛

I am the coolest undertaker you will ever meet, and I'm CANADIAN.... thats gottta be worth something right?? Ha! @twshield

@Funeralgirl Well, you're certainly the most attractive undertaker I've ever seen. And, bonus points for being Canadian! 😉

@Funeralgirl Alright. You've forced me to send you a friend request on Facebook. And Duke is a nickname so look for the one from Kenneth.


Who cares? There is so much more to life than intelligence. Can you imagine a car with 900 horsepower, but only first gear?


Obviously men, cuz we have beards to stroke and look the part.

You obviously haven't met any dwarven women

@MsOliver - True that is!

@BackToReality - I see what you mean! (See pic). Shudder...


you must be bored

Agreed. It's a non starter....

@Funeralgirl i thought he wanted to stir an ant hill

or throw shit on the fan 😉

He totally did, he damn well knows women are smarter haha.. jk@btroje


Neither. Intelligence should be judged individually.


New poll: Which color is more red? Red, or red? Please elaborate.


a team of researchers led by psychologist Stuart Ritchie, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Edinburgh, turned to data from UK Biobank, an ongoing, long-term biomedical study of people living in the United Kingdom with 500,000 enrollees. A subset of those enrolled in the study underwent brain scans using MRI. In 2750 women and 2466 men aged 44–77, Ritchie and his colleagues examined the volumes of 68 regions within the brain, as well as the thickness of the cerebral cortex, the brain’s wrinkly outer layer thought to be important in consciousness, language, memory, perception, and other functions.
Adjusting for age, on average, they found that women tended to have significantly thicker cortices than men. Thicker cortices have been associated with higher scores on a variety of cognitive and general intelligence tests. Meanwhile, men had higher brain volumes than women in every subcortical region they looked at, including the hippocampus (which plays broad roles in memory and spatial awareness), the amygdala (emotions, memory, and decision-making), striatum (learning, inhibition, and reward-processing), and thalamus (processing and relaying sensory information to other parts of the brain).

When the researchers adjusted the numbers to look at the subcortical regions relative to overall brain size, the comparisons became much closer: There were only 14 regions where men had higher brain volume and 10 regions where women did.

Volumes and cortical thickness between men also tended to vary much more than they did between women, the researchers report this month in a paper posted to the bioRxiv server, which makes articles available before they have been peer reviewed.

That’s intriguing because it lines up with previous work looking at sex and IQ tests. “[That previous study] finds no average difference in intelligence, but males were more variable than females,” Ritchie says. “This is why our finding that male participants’ brains were, in most measures, more variable than female participants’ brains is so interesting. It fits with a lot of other evidence that seems to point toward males being more variable physically and mentally.”

Despite the study’s consistent sex-linked patterns, the researchers also found considerable overlap between men and women in brain volume and cortical thickness, just as you might find in height. In other words, just by looking at the brain scan, or height, of someone plucked at random from the study, researchers would be hard pressed to say whether it came from a man or woman. That suggests both sexes’ brains are far more similar than they are different.


Definitely equal ,I would really be surprised if any one would think otherwise


I love these joke polls!

@twshield - just because you say a woman is intelligent it doesn't mean you respect her.

@twshield When I first replied, there were only two responses. I wasn't implying anything, just having a little fun. No offense intended toward anyone.

@twshield I can tell you from first hand experience that it was different back then. But men didn't change for the better on their own - they needed a bloody good push and a lot of bra-burning. Hopefully it'll continue.


there isn't a difference

no not at all lol


Define intelligent within the framework of feasible and measurable attributes and observable behavior. Don't know about anybody else, but I'm a muthafockin' genius.

you sure are 😛


We shouldn't go there... we are wired different... we come with different software versions and apps and even different hardware even if the same chassis... Please... I am not falling for that one. I love the differences. Passing on this one.

@twshield I take my chances, I can only Represent.


I voted Women are more intelligent just for fun 😛
No, not really. My wife was looking over my shoulder.


Too general. There are brilliantly intelligent humans of all genders , and then, there's other ones...


After reading all these responses, I still have a propensity to go with women edging out men on the IQ thing... but that includes emotional IQ. Just my $0.02.

Secondly, I must add this to the discussion just for shits and giggles:

Saw him sing it live in Calgary...


I voted for "Women." I base this on one single scenario. If left to survive on an uncharted island a group of women would be more likely to use their intelligence to solve their problems while a group of men would rely on their strength and would assuredly create a hierarchal society based on brute force. Look at any high school gym class. The guys turn into savages the second they are removed from a co-ed existence.


I think it's impossible to measure intelligence accurately...A person's working knowledge is a combination of genetics, environment, opportunity, motivation, etc. There are many kinds of 'intelligence'...some people are 'book smart' but have no common sense whatsoever. There are some who have had a very restricted amount of formal education, yet they are brilliant at some task (auto mechanics, for example) that may not be so easy for the average person to understand. As a former science teacher, I saw first-hand that the students with the highest grades weren't necessarily the ones with greatest understanding..


I am sitting on the fence and going for transgenders


I am fairly proud of the results of this poll so far.


I doubt that gender has anything to do with intellectual ability, but, experience has taught me that when it come to emotional intelligence women win hands down.


I'd say that the average intelligence of women and men is equal. However, men do stupid stuff more often; as a result, women appear more intelligent.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 4, 2018

Statistically, more women finish college in the US and earn higher degrees on average than men.
They also don't have dick measuring contests like men do.
Women are definitely more intelligent on average.

...but then again when you look at the behaviors of the types of men they procreate with; the very same behaviors a majority are protesting really have to wonder.
If women wanted what they say that wanted, then Pick-up Artists would be out of a job.
But you can't judge the whole by the actions of a few.

I think you are right. Women say they want to be treated with respect out of courtesy and good manners but reward the Neanderthals with their favors.

@twshield Perhaps. Would you mind providing the information for all of those countries I seemed to have left out? Thank you.


I'm nonviolent, no battle here. 😉

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