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LINK Christian Hate Preacher Will Be Deported from Australia After Harassing Muslims – Friendly Atheist

New Zealand baptist hate preacher no longer welcome in Australia...

DGJ0114 7 July 8

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He is just one of those religious shock jocks, looking for money and attention.


How many Muslim hate preachers were deported?

zesty Level 7 Mar 19, 2019

People like this should be forced to provide real evidence for the existence of their god. Not the bible or other hearsay but real evidence before they can preach.


Wow! That dude's a real piece of work.


Good for them. Religious missionaries shouldn't be allowed to spread they're false beliefs around the world.


This is what religion does to people, turns them in to hate filled dangerous madmen.
All religions are alike in this, just the jargon changes, when we live in a world where Violent Extremist Buddhist are a thing, I can make that opening statement with a degree of certainty I never thought would be plausible.

Do you really think religion had much to do with him? I think he is a showman who's venue just happens to be the Baptist church. Or, he could be mentally unstable, as someone else suggested.

@itsmedammit Religion is simply one big show, it is spectacle, illusion and fantasy run by power and wealth hungry bunko men who rely on keeping the truth from the plebs in order to keep their own nests comfortably feathered.


Against gays, women and Muslims, but not against poverty and war.


He will probably join next and earn plenty of followers.


Funny that this hasn't made the news yet here in Australia. It is interesting that he was deported by Peter Dutton, one of our right-wing Christian politicians.

I saw something of it the other day as a trail for A Current Affsir so it must be true! ?


The smart money says Drumpy offers him a job first thing tomorrow.


Great article to read! It takes the spotlight off our US kooks and shines it on New Zealand. Let them bear the shame for a spell. 🙂


Sounds like he needs some psychiatric meds and/or therapy.


Cabinet post waiting for him in the Trump administration.

HAH! That was my very first thought! ("High fives" )

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