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LINK Maine Governor Vetoes Gay Conversion Ban Citing Religious Freedom - The Intellectualist

Can those of you who live in Maine please work to get him voted out?

snytiger6 9 July 9

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Angered but not surprised at the latest action by that evil POS. January can't arrive quickly enough.


Considering the data, how the fuck is this even a consideration???




This guy helped pave the way for Trump. The fact that he got elected gave hope to the Troglodytes that it could be done and they were electable.


Religious freedom to emotionally torment and financially rape?


LePage is a complete crackpot.


Religious freedom to brainwash and traumatise people. Christians are the worst.

It just takes one successful lawsuit from a conversion therapy victim for these nutcases to pause for thought.


Sorry live in NH. Maine friends will.


The Governor of Maine has been an asshat on way to many issues. Here's hoping the voters deep six him ASAP.


That is not therapy, that is torture by another name.

Yeah, long term studies show that ten years after "repairative therapy, less than one percent are still living a heterosexual life. Two to three percent have attempted suicide. In every case the number of peopel who committed suicide was higher than those who were so-called "cured" of homosexuality after ten years. It is torture, and not really therapy at all.


This guy has been a major tool bag for a while. It should be about time for him to face the electorate again, no?


Religious freedom to torture?!? That's messed up!

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