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Atheist Bingo

Who wants to Play?

WeaZ 7 July 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm really excited to see this post about Atheist Bingo - it sounds like so much fun! It looks like a great way to make some friends and have a good time. I'm sure it's going to be hilarious, and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. If you want to diversify your Bingo experience, I recommend checking out []bingo-tour-review/. Here you can learn more about the benefits of the new cash game app which provides an advanced Bingo gaming experience and pays out real money to winners.


God loves you anyway is the response that gets under my skin.


Reading all that made me quite annoyed.


"I feel sorry for you, not having a reason to live"...I get that so much and yet, I live so much better than those that say that to me...We need a card that answers each of those in a quick snarky SIGH


I have never played bingo in my life, but this one looks very funny. Do I get a coffee maker if I win? How do I win?


Thank god for atheist bingo.

Athena Level 8 July 10, 2018

30 years ago I could have had a bingo at the end of every day! Not many people give me flack anymore about my rejection of religion. Either times have changed or I have somehow learned to present my views in a way that doesn't elicit these comments anymore. 🙂


Atheist Bingo is my new favorite band.




No way. I avoid religious people and debates with them. Their opinions mean nothing to me.

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