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Where should I move too with 4k?

  • 3 votes
  • 8 votes
Virgoan 5 July 11

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Why specifically 4K?...... Wait, is it a 4K TV?

That's all I have

@Virgoan need more info

@IamNobody at the time of the post all I had was $4,000. That has now shrunk to less than 2000 in just paying my debts. At first I was going to take it all and live somewhere else. Now I am doing all I can to get my own apartment in my hometown.

@Virgoan I am sure you've heard this one time too many, you need to establish a baseline that will allow you to start saving, even if eventually you will get the required resources to go where you want to go. I get the feeling this is probably not what you want to hear but I don't know how else to say it. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.


Vermont...which is like junior varsity Canada.


Is that your rent or your income?

My savings


Why move at all?

I'm in my hometown in Arkansas

@Virgoan Only in Arkansas can $4K go very far at all. Best invest in developing a sellable skill so you can get out of there! Consider a coding camp if nothing else.

@Virgoan So are you not happy there? You know where ever you move to, you will take your troubles with you, unless those troubles is a person or persons you want to get away from.


Research things first.

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