Definition Catfish: lure (someone) into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona.
They usually post pics that are not them. Lie about details etc.
I think you should, if you are sure. I found a catfisher on the PigBusters site.....he had sent me the same photos and story he sent many other was all there....he was from either Ghana or Nigeria according to the 'experts' on the site. Apparently, he was very successful/charismatic and had bilked American women out of tons of money.
Yes, You would be doing the whole world a favor.
I learned the meaning of catfishing, scratch one more internet word off the list!
Had no idea what that was called. I always just refer to them as scammers.
Is this catfish on this site?? I would do it.
It was a general question. I didn't want to give too many details but they are no longer on the social media they were on before. I think they were onto my interrogation.
Thanks for the feedback!! The question isn't necessarily about someone on this site, just in general. But if I find enough evidence to make the claim, I will do so.
Possibly preventing heartache in another Woman,some want to believe so strongly,they ignore the warning signs. The Women who get into a pen pal situation with jailed or imprisoned inmates, the tease,asking for money or other favors,or calling his family for him.
Anti-climactic ... we was hopin' to tar 'n feather a rat here ???
@jujuofthesea it appears the trash took itself out because they are no longer on the social media they were on before. entire profile went poof! haha!
We all are guilty to certain extent.... Shall we disband the whole site and call it a day??
speak for yourself.