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Sin or not, if yes, why?

Why does every religious person say masturbation is a sin when there's noting written about it in the Bible and why would it be a sin if God designed me like this (so I have cravings) and also God gave me the possibility of pleasure? Answer this

Manka77 4 July 20

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120 comments (51 - 75)

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Sin isn't a problem for atheists. You can safely not worry about it. Pleasure away


First explain to me what a sin even is. Then I might be able to answer the question. In the meantime, don't enter my room without knocking first . . .


I don't believe in sin. Sin is when you're having fun and someone wants to have the power to take away your fun. If it doesn't hurt anyone else it is fine by me.


No. It's natural and one of the few pleasures in life that are neither toxic, expensive, fattening nor time-consuming.

I think the religious call it a sin because they know the guilt of believing that will stress your brain, make you hate yourself as unworthy, thus more likely to be on your knees begging for forgiveness on a regular basis for your imperfections.


It’s just another way for religion to control people. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s natural and healthy.


I was curious about your motivation for this question. Are you trying to help a "believer" with their emotional and theological problems? From your profile it would appear that you do not believe in god/gods and so their definitions of sin would logically be irrelevant to you. I believe the culture you live in can affect you emotionally. Are you affected and seeking to resolve emotional conflict?

My tuppence worth: I believe they say that God/gods created humans with the ability to make choices between the right way and the "sinful" way. As other people answering your posting have made points about various points of scripture and interpretations, it is generally taken that the religious would rather have people using sexual urges for procreation in a "married relationship". To discourage non-procreational masturbation, they define it as a sin. Albeit with not much explicit detail about it in the scriptures.

If you enjoy it, or want to enjoy it. Do not let me nor sin deter you.

Best wishes. ?

I definitely am an atheist. I was only wondering, if believers say God made us and we are the perfect creation (as His creation is perfect) then why would He give us the POSSIBILITY of pleasure at all? If he's in control. Why don't religious people think that if we were made in a way, we were automatically allowed to do it?


... anything sexual is a six... Unless it is in wedlock and can produce children...

No sex outside marige. Masterbation is sex without your significant outher... One could argue implication...

Simplest answer, Christians have clue what is in the Bible...or they wouldn't be Christians.


Actually there is plenty stuff in the Babble about 'spilling seed" and it is roundly condemned. The world "onanism" comes from the the real trouble Onan got into when he masturbated. So get some "Facts", please.
On the other hand, that stuff was written when "not enough population" was a real worry...but nowadays,forgedabowdit.


A biblical means of increasing one's own tribe ( and power) "Let all your seed go to making more young people to be fighters, carers and servants".

Each ' sin ' needs explaining in a different way, but all are about control.


After reading briefly some articles on this subject, it seems clear to me the main reason religious people view masturbation as a sin, is because when someone is an euphoric state. It's similar to be really high, it just feels like pure enjoyment. The religious people see this as a problem because the view worshiping "their" god should be the only pure enjoyment in someone's life. So one more reason not to believe in a set religion, masturbation.

I figured it was because they didn’t want the seed of mankind wasted


@Moravian I just love some Monty Python!

@BirdMan1 Me too


...agree ; there is stigma today or
another reason the PURITANICAL are
leading this country in the Wrong direction..
PHYSIOLOGY states masturbation
benefits the human body, so another
misguided idealogy.


IMO, religions teach sin. Which means there is a antidote for this sin. They sell it. They are creating a market, that's all. Truth be told, since these pimps often live contrary to what they teach, they are in fact atheists themselves just making a living off of .


Sin comes from the original Greek meaning “to miss the mark” as in archery. So no, I don’t think masturbation is sin, it is just self-pleasuring which within certain limits is healthy and normal.


There is very little scriptural backing to a prohibition of masturbation aside from some verses taken out of context, like the story of Onan. The real reason behind it is control over people's (mostly women's) sexuality.

All those natural urges you feel are dirty and prove that you're not worthy of God's love, but he loves you anyway. Until you become your husband's property, then hit the sheets and start popping out more little believers, and no you don't have a right to refuse. Who do you think you are, a person?


Religious people limit their thought process to only the border of what they are taught. They are told that they were designed with “animal” cravings and they must discipline themselves against such primitive desires. I know, I was religious for many years.


I think that the idea of sin exists only to put pressure on people to behave/act according to the wishes of religious leaders. The more things you make them feel guilty for doing, the more control you have over them. Otherwise, when I think about it, it would seem to be idiotic for God to be like 'here, you have these cravings, don't act on them.' So yes, I'm going to sin, but it's like drinking: I'm going to do it responsibly.


Sin is a human idea. Morals are decided by the majority. So its easier fkr a church to control what is morally correct as most people will listen to somebody who is "gods chosen"
That allows for things like smoking pot and being gay to be a sin. When smoking cigarettes and having sex with a 9 year old morally correct in certai Religions. Its pure insanity by which we decide to ourselves if we are right.


It is just another attempt by those who hold religious power to use the fear of punishment by a god to maintain control over the masses.


Young lady, you do, think, feel, sing, WHATEVER.. that you feel good with. Seeking happiness is often claimed yet rarely attained.


You can probably guess. Even thinking certain things are crimes under the Bible and Quran.
"Impure thoughts". What exactly is impure is up to the interpretation of the passages in the books.
Anyway, wrong or bad in a lot of cultures is linked to harm. Physical harm, not imagined.
Anyone of any age should feel obliged to explore their own body. We were all born with them.
Sin and wrongdoing as Biblically pertaining to human behavior is something to be left in studies and text books for seminaries.


Only in religious thinking so as to control the masses, does sin exist. The glory of masturbation. Thankfully I never feel bad about pleasuring myself. Do get tired of adding batteries to the dump the.......?


actually some people do point to the tale of onan to say masturbation is a sin, and that is why masturbation is also called onanism. however, the story of onan is just damned confused. read it. you'll see. was he being punished because he spilled his seed, which he had good reason to do, actually, or because he had a short name, or because it was time for god's periodic petulant kill, or...? there is just as good an argument in that story for masturbation as against, if you read it sideways, or is that the right way?

but i would not assume that every religious person said masturbation was a sin, especially considering that most religious people don't want to talk about masturbation to begin with. it's almost as if talking about it were a sin! it also depends on the religion... and the gender. in orthodox judaism (which represents a teeny tiny minority of jews) only male masturbation is a sin. it is spilling the seed in vain, and it somehow also related to having impure thoughts about someone other than one's wife (i don't know why one couldn't masturbate while thinking about one's wife, though). i have no idea whether or not buddhists masturbate. if i ever become well enough acquainted with a buddhist to ask, i'll let you know.



SIN is the snakeoil of the master salesman!

Wanking is good, real sex with someone you adore is much, much better!

In my opinion the only true worship is that which can be achieved between a man and a woman.

[No disrespect to the LBGT community, I'm only expressing my personal preference!]

Enjoy your body my friend! Do so without any hindrance of shame or guilt.


I know right? I think they had no idea what nature was back then and they're super slow to recognize that encouraging people to manage their bodily needs in a healthy way keeps them from committing crime and spreading disease but there they are... Breaking their own rules all the time.


Because in religion anything good and or fun is a sin.

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