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Incest: Immoral or Moral?

I was asked this question today by a theist. If there is no God why is safe sex between brother and sister immoral to an atheist? This guy was smart to add safe sex because it closed off my avenue to argue the health issue. So, I was thinking why is it immoral if it is consensual? I understand we find it gross but is that because of Christian influence?

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paul1967 8 Oct 12

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Inbreeding causes many biological problems, like genetic disorders and lower IQs.


Biologically, it's not moral or immoral, it just isn't a good idea. As biological creatures, we have been genetically conditioned through evolution to be repulsed at the thought of incest in order to diversify the gene pool, and to avoid those genetic abnormalities that can occur for lack of diversity. When those of us shed the skin of religion, we begin the act of redefining everything in tour lives in terms of morality, but the taboo of incest is a tough nut to crack but of the genetic conditioning the species has gone through.

godef Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

Because, in reality, a child is always possible no matter how safe sex. It’s best to just stay away from that. I guess, if it was theoretically impossible, then do what you want.




I don't really see it as a moral issue tbh, thought it is pretty gross.


Honestly,. I don't think morality is the issue here. Birth defects are. Personally I could care less if a brother bonks his sister, but if they breed it's going ot lead to some very serious problems...ones they probably can't afford that my taxes will have to take care of. I'm very much on the side of parents with disabled kids or children with birth defects except when those birth defects were knowingly done. I don't stand with parents who birthed a fetal alcohol baby, I don't stand with parents that brought crack babies into the world and I don't stand with iincestual couples who breed kids with birth defects. If you're family and want to f*ck, get fixed. Then you can do whatever you want.


True morality is enshrined in everyone's conscience! So if the conscience is hurt,there is a reaction. That reaction keeps us in check!

Multi Level 1 Nov 18, 2017

Genetic reproductive defects is main concern. Some things are going to be grey areas. I don't think it can be called completely free of moral risk because the practice of it, even with protection seems to possibly contribute to cultural conditions where reproduction might occur. But yeah, eww.


it is vastly immoral, the example given isn't too frowned upon, but flip it and say its a 7yr old girl or boy against their dad or mum, what can they do but do what is said and cry about it because they're told no one will believe them because they're a child. And in some countries incest is seen as the butt of a joke, not a serious issue that ruins the lifes and innocents of many children way into their own adulthood.

What you have described here is child abuse, aggressive manipulation of unwitting victims. This is rape, not consenting sex between people who understand what they are doing, It is not the only form of incestuous relationship, nor would such behavior be acceptable in any of the modern/western societies. However, there is a culture in which the daughter's first sexual experience is with her father, and in that culture it is not only accepted, it is part of community life. There are other cultures with interesting sexual behaviors that might turn the head of the average westerner, but are part and parcel of everyday life.

That would be considered child molestation, incest or not.


It's neither. It's none of anyone's business besides those involved in the sex.


If we accept that individuals decide what they want to do with their bodies then that is all we should say. They decide how they want to live their lives. There are 7 billion people on earth. Why should what 2 of them do matter to anyone.

Just to be clear I don't personally like incest. I just don't see my sibling in that way. But for everyone else, who am I to judge. We only get 1 life, so that means no one is an expert at living and we cannot tell each other how to live. At least that's how logic works.


Moral it was a social norms until like the last 100 years and so long as no genetically flawed human is born who cares


There's a book (and movie), by John Irving, called Hotel New Hampshire about this subject. Both were tastefully done because Irving is a great writer. I recommend them.
I think it's a common fantasy because sex is really about power and siblings want power over siblings, children want power over parents, and younger brothers/sisters of parents are seen as mentors (which is a cool idea concerning the biggest issue facing 18-25 year old humans). I don't think it's a good practice in reality but of individual case and hard to predict. I do think siblings, especially if one is a male, can benefit from being much less private about their bodies and teaching each other. I see absolutely no issue between same-sex siblings over 16. In fact, it might help.
The problem with porn is that it can normalize certain ideas and this is a big fantasy for many. I do think it's a subject which needs to be discussed more often, and openly, in appropriate forums so that we can explore the roots of causation. In general I think humans treat sex as an icky, or nasty, thing but it should not be that way. If we were more open and communicative about it I think there would be far less harassment and rape.


If it's consensual and safe I could care less.




For me incest is immoral, but what others do is not my concern


The offspring will be freaky mutant kids.


I am saying immoral just based on criminal statutes. There are also issues of genetic disorders from incest.


It isn't something I would do and I think it's icky but, so long as those participating don't have children, I don't care in the slightest.


If you question whether or not incest his moral or immoral, imagine having intercourse with your parent and you tell me. Children are born into this world with absolutely zero social networks and rely exclusively on their parents to provide safety. to betray that and use them as breeding stock is simply disgusting.I don't give a s*** what your culture says.

And what if it is not a child but an adult with an adult?

Incest is not necessarily the same as pedophilia any more than pedophilia being incest.


Incest isn't kosher because your kids will come out retarded.


You forgot the third option. Amoral.

Incest is generally inadvisable.
The Bible for the benefit of your Christian friend, is peppered with references not judge.


When it breaks down, morality isn’t that moral unless there’s a fundamental backing in reality. Modern day morality might ask if no one else is effected then it’s neither moral nor immoral. On a purely individual basis, it could depend on the situation. If no harm is done to the individuals involved, how could it be immoral?
But societal morality is at least partially by example. If behavior on a whole would be detrimental, and inbreeding is definitely detrimental to the overall health of a group despite some potential for positive gains, then it could be considered immoral based on established norms or by setting bad example. If everyone or at least a significant percentage of a population indulge in such behavior it would hurt the health of the population as a whole. If a society establishes a rule overall everyone should follow it. Emmanuel Cant made a philosophical argument that morality existed based on a somewhat different argument but I feel like this is where it might have evolved.


Good question! A stellar example of why I love this site! And great responses. Thoughtful, intelligent. I have to throw my vote in with those who state morality is subjective to the time and culture it's being judged by. Incest was completely acceptable in the past for specific reasons. But I think it evolved into an archaic practice, and then demonized, again for specific reasons, such as the high chance of unfortunate offspring. Most of us, including myself think it's pretty sketchy in today's culture. I'd like to blame just religions for the taboo, but there are other, equally important factors.

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