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What’s the worst injury you’ve ever gotten from the gym?

I think mine would be when I was doing the Russian twist and sit-ups, due to me overusing my abdominal muscles then had to take a few days and allow my muscles to recover before returning to the gym.

EmeraldJewel 7 July 23

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I brke both my thumbs as a young child in a motor accident before seat belts were invented (1952) Now I am 70 I have been getting arthritis in them which is difficult as they are so mis-shapened and weird looking that they ache a lot the top joint of my thumbs is less that an inch and is very fat the thumb knuckle is huge. So its had quite an impact on my latter life.


I had a motorbike crash once ...and did serious damage to my leg, requiring an "illixarov" fixation to first remove 2 inches of gangerous bone..then 2 years of suffering this frame to stretch new bone...felt like i was in pysical hell for 2 years..but i am walking worth it....

dan123 Level 2 July 27, 2018

Two shoulder injuries, strained a ligament in my knee, strained a muscle in my calf, sciatica, you name it. I do extreme training and injuries are part of the life.


I don't really do the gym, but I've walked into a jab (two stitches inside my lip) and broken a rib doing Krav Maga.


I have had more than a few sore joints (ankle, knee, hip, writs, elbow, shoulder) and a pulled muscle in the groin, but nothing major.


The only time I ever was almost harmed was when I rode the bike too long after I jogged on the treadmill. I got light headed and seemed like fainting. After I got myself together I went and lifted weights. Other than that I have never hurt myself in the gym. So many people use bad technique when lifting, and some try to lift way too much than they can actually do with decent form. Sometimes you have to push yourself, but when you do it on every rep then you're just asking to get hurt. You can't get lazy when you lift. I have seen videos where guys are doing leg press and they let their legs lock when they push up. One time I saw a guys leg snap the other way. I used to do very heavy leg press, but I never let my knees lock out. You're just asking for the laws of nature to take over.


From the what?


Once I took a fall incorrectly in Judo and my ribs hurt for a month. It helped me to improve my technique.

LEPeff Level 8 July 23, 2018

None. I have exercised for many years off and on and have never had an injury while working out. I have had some low-back strains while performing manual labor.


Inflamed right rotator cuff. I've been doing stretches from the therapist for a year or so, and it's still not quite right (a phrase which some people use to describe me overall). I've stopped doing flies, and some overhead work still irritates it.

zeuser Level 9 July 23, 2018

That sounds pretty intense.. I changed to moderate weights and more reps, slower reps.. And consistancy !

Buddha Level 8 July 23, 2018

Found out my knees were shot from being on the elipical.
It was my favorite piece of equipment. Actually, it was the ONLY gym activity I enjoyed, and looked forward to doing.

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