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If you stick "rev." in front of your name then you can get away with murder

RobertGalloway 5 Jan 14

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No such thing as an atheist minister {in the religious context} but nothing stopping you from ministering bible rubbish to believers


I am forever amazed at the nasty things the overtly religious pull and expect no one to hold them accountable because they are clergy or elders in their churches.


and child abuse


Too many ministers are simple immoral charlatans.


...or POTUS


maybe not murder, but you can charge people to marry them. that’s not murder, as much as assisting suicide


There are some decent Revs out there. Example MSNBC commentator Al Sharpton.


LOL. Reminds me of a conversation with my father back in the early 80's where he laid out how he was gonna turn his house into a church to avoid paying taxes.

Daddy was a stoner but doesn't mean he was wrong LOL

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