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Looking at the USA from across the pond I don't know whats going on at the moment ? How has Donald Trump become your President ? When you look back at the great people who have held that position and how they have influenced the world , there are a few that where awful but Trump makes Nixon look like a brilliant world leader.I don't get the immigrant thing basically all American citizens come from the rest of the world except the native Americans who don't seem to be a part of the land of the free.. Don't get me wrong I love America, but to us foreigners at this time thing look very shitty. Have I got it wrong ? Please tell.

Wolfbat 6 Jan 14

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Evidently because any man is better than a woman? Same as when Mr Obama was selected as a candidate, he was black, a lot of idiots thought he was a Muslim, and also that he was not American. Still, better than a woman! I would not vote for a woman just because she was a woman and I would not vote for trump if he and I were the last two people on earth. I personally thought Mr Obama did a very good job.


So the reason Trumpty Dumpty was elected was due to complacency. The polls said Hillary had it in the bag so people did not think they had to come out and vote for a candidate who was not popular. She did not come to my state Wisconsin because the Democratic candidate for senator had previously voted to impeach her husband Bill when he was president. Wisconsin was considered a safe state in the Democrats pocket. The African vote stayed home, & the blue eyed devil vote, energized, showed up at the polls. Trumpty won by less than 1%. But he won. Immigration. No one talks about the 50,000 Irish illegals here. They are the right color. The issue is brown. Most of our neighbors ethnicity in Mexico are indigenous brown people, of Native American extraction. The DNA of the bodies found in the deserts of our southwest are of Native American genes. It is bigotry pure & simple. Things are shitty. But the checks & balances that we have in place were meant to address this very issue of a tyrannical despot who dupes the people. A corrupt charlatan gains power. If this jerk gets to appoint more Supreme Court justices we will be suffering for a generation. We shall see if these checks & balances work or need fine tuning. Our mid term elections are coming in November. If we Democrats take back the House of Representatives & the Senate, we can stop him. It is the House that can impeach. Our millennials are fired up & I hope too our African Americans. Our Hispanics as well. Our coalition is working to ensure our people show up at the polls. Stay tuned. Were it not for Nixon's covering up the break in, he would have been considered great as he opened up China & ended that needless war in Vietnam. But he chose to destroy his legacy being the 1st president to resign. I hope this helps your understanding.


It's always interesting to see how outsiders to our ethnocentric view us. I, for one, appreciate your British viewpoint.


We’re all scratching our heads at this apparent hijacking of America.


Where to start?
Trump became president thru a flaw in our election process that was actually supposed to keep assholes like him out of the Whitehouse. The popular vote doesn't actually elect a president. We have a thing called the electoral college that actually elects the president. Each state has the same number of electors equal to the number of congressmen and senators. These are the people whose vote actually elects the president. Some states have it rigged so that all of their electors can't be separated, they all go for one or the other. So Clinton won the popular vote in small states that didn't have a lot of electors, Trump won more big states that had way more electors. because some states have all or nothing rules even though Clinton didn't lose by much, all the electors went to Trump. We are so tired of our lawmakers and the ridiculous shit they do, people voted for Trump because he was different. voting for change for the sake of change is a dumb thing to do, and now here we are. Being stupid is not a impeachable offense.


No, you are spot on. It's all just so sad, twisted, and wrong.
Unless and until our elected "leaders" get their acts together, we're stuck with this shit show for 3 more years. I'm really sorry.

2 got it right.


No, you've hit the nail on the head. The U.S. looks very shitty at the moment.

I'm also interested to read Americans' point-of-view of the current U.S.

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