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Atheistic Orgasms

What's the biggest problem for an atheist?
They've got no-one to talk to during orgasm.

Gatovicolo 8 Jan 17

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Maybe “Oh rayovac! Oh rayovac!”


Bleshssthed are the poor in thspirit, for theirth ith the kingdom of heaven.
Bleshssthed are the meekies, for they will inferit zeee earth <hic>.
Bleshssthed are thothse who hunger and thirst for righteouthsnesths, for they will be <braacckkk> filled.
“Peter, why are there two of you… Pull yourself together”
~ Jesus trying to give his Beatitudes speech after the Wedding Feast at Cana where he turned water into wine.


Yeah, good grief doesn't quite cut it 🙂

You could substitute “Oh Rob!” Its similar is to god.


The orgasm IS God!


Oh Tesla. Oh tesla


A really good orgasm eliminates, no problem!

You mean you don’t scream “God! There ! Yes! There! F@&k me harder!”?

@Gatovicolo i do not remember....usually practically passed out from exhaustion.

Thank you for not being offended. Sometimes I get a little too outrageous, but I couldn’t help myself. I kept on getting images of Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal having lunch. @AnneWimsey


@GatovicoloThe "I'll will have what she is having" is in real life the mother of the director. Men fake it too.... and tip of a secret if you don't stop movement and continue motion like nothing happened you get two for the ride of one... once you get them conditioned because they seen it before then you fake the first one. Well children that is my tip for 2018... and if you ever quote me I will deny I ever said this and my account got hacked.

@Gatovicolo fav movie! Best scene ever! But youcan tell she was faking because she could eat pie!....i worked alongside 20,000 men in a shipyard for 13 + years...very little discombobulates me


an orgasm is the only real holiday you get

Is the only holiday I want.

brilliant haha me too funnily enough


it is my experience that ladies having an orgasm are unable to vocalise

just the opposite in my experience, just ask my neighbors, even with doors and windows closed.

Depends on the culture. The old joke goes "What do women say during sex?"
A. The American "Say Joe ya gotta ciggy"
A. The German "Now you get on all fours whilst I strap this on"
A. The French " Oo la la JeanPaul do eet again"
A. The Italian "Father bless me for I have sinned with you"
A. The English "George, the ceiling needs painting"

According to a Polish acquaintance Australians are silent in coitus unlike in Germany and his homeland where every night the court yards surrounded by the 4 levels of flats responded to the lusty creaking of bed springs, moans of pleasure and ecstatic shouts of impending orgasm, each seemingly trying to outdo their neighbour. Obviously he didn't live next to @Rugglesby but in bible belt Victoria (to give Rugglesby segue). 🙂

@Rugglesby often that is a lady trying to achieve orgasm. Some ladies I have encountered do get vocal as they approach orgasm, but always during orgasm, they would be gasping for breath and unable to say anything until they come down.

very funny @FrayedBear

@psycheworks do I intuit a touch of sarcasm in your response? The first anecdote too close to the bone or you are about to be the exception to the anecdote?🙂

@FrayedBear it's means just that, very funny I have a sense of humor

@psycheworks In which case I thank you. Many do not enjoy my anecdotes. How is the "Dirty Old Town" close to you?

@FrayedBear the dirty old town is doing fine I guess

@psycheworks I thought you state that you are located Manchester way. Dirty Old Town is a world famous song written by one of its children -

I am from Hyde, Cheshire which is around 6 miles from Manchester and I am familiar with the song and the singer, I've sung the song and seen Ewan MacColl in concert, however the song is about Salford the city next to Manchester @FrayedBear

@psycheworks the good old days when Ewan was alive. You come up on your profile as Manchester and Tameside. I merely stated that the dirty old town is close to you not that you are there or that it is about Manchester. That I chose the above version to share was because it has the wonderful photos of post WWII Salford ... cobblestreets, terraces, gasometers and hopscotch....share my Lancashire culture - I'm not ashamed. 🙂

@FrayedBear so whereabouts in Lancashire are your roots/culture. I've many cousins from Salford due to prolific ancestor 22 kids surname Berry

@psycheworks Blackpuddlian with Kendal /Blackburn parents. Grandfather was a sex maniac protestant of 15 known children.
There obviously wasn't much else to do in E.Lancs other than work at t'mill and procreate!

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