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If you were forced to make a decision of going to Heaven and living on Earth forever, which would you choose?

It’d have to be Earth for me. Lmfao no way I wanna be around Jesus and his dad forever, always wanting praise and worship.

EmeraldJewel 7 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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O that is a tricky one. As a human with all of my physical frailties my long term future on earth would be unpleasant. Of course perhaps not given forever....a question would be the nature of this "forever" would I have true immortality including immunity to age, disease, injury etc? Assuming I had a reasonable chance of a pleasant forever I would choose Earth. I love the insane drama of humanity. As for the great unknown of "heaven" I would not unless Earth was basically hell; eternal pain and suffering forever. Of course my concept of heaven is very different then most so the question of heaven seems based on the Biblical heaven which sounds horribly boring.

Quarm Level 6 Aug 29, 2018

What's heaven, anyway?


I do not know what the benefit of heaven is so I cannot give an answer.Earth isn't that bad if we could get the republicans of the 60's back.


Earth, id still wanna experience physical pleasure, in the spirit realm you never know what it is like


But the earth is going to be burnt to a cinder when the sun goes into the next phase of its life. That would be unpleasant.

Carin Level 8 Aug 27, 2018

I'd stay here. Heaven sounds boring think I'd go crazy with everything so one tone.


False premise alert! What the heck do you think you are doing posting this question? Exactly?

What's wrong with her posting this question is this not an open forum? Besides it wasn't directed solely at you anyway.

@searchisendless Do you not see that this question REQUIRES you to postulate "heaven" in order to answer it? A troll xian trying to get into our heads! Just very disrespectful as she gets back exactly what she gave!

Getting people’s opinions to see what they think about if they had to choose between those two places. You could always unfollow if you follow or just choose not to answer if that would make it easier on you.

@EmeraldJewel i repeat...trying to get Agnostics & Atheists to think about "heaven" AS IF it were real is disrespectful, at best! I give back what I am offered, x2.


Have to be earth. I could probably move freely enough between the segregated communities, you know the catholic's spectacles, testicles, wallet, watch, & the episcopal catholic light with all the ritual & half the guilt..but baptists/evangelicas would be a killer since they would be convinced they were the only ones there.


The Christian heaven versus Earth? If those were the only choices, I'd pick Earth -- the "devil I know". Heaven is so vaguely defined, it amounts to "trust me ... you'll be totally happy forever". People fill in the blanks however they please, but it's just fantasy. As a youngster I was told of a child attending Sunday School who asked if there would be fried chicken in heaven, and they said, of course, if you want it. With no basis at all to say that, not even a "scriptural" one. It's just a place to project one's hopes for justice and closure.

All that's actually claimed about heaven in the Bible is that it's a city made of gold where you'll worship an insecure deity forever, apparently relieved permanently of any freedom of choice in the matter. It's implied, but without specifics, that you'll see your departed loved ones (as they were at death, or in their prime? Only the good bits or does Uncle Fred still try to pinch your ass?). "Every tear shall be wiped away" ... sounds great but maybe everyone just gets a lobotomy upon admittance.

No, the reality is that heaven is always conveniently just like Earth but without suffering, and that's just too good to be true. It could just as well be worse than Earth.


Earth all the way.


I have no interest in being around Those people that say they're going to heaven.. that would be hell to me.


Earth because it exists.


Well … since ‘heaven’ is false, and earth is real - I’d chose Earth 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 26, 2018

IKR!!! I want something I know is real.


None of the above. Eternity? No thank you. If for a limited time. Earth. Any time in "Heaven worshiping an evil misogynistic . . . . Face-Palm.

Hahaha! Right!

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