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I once read somewhere that the worker never gets what he deserves or merits rather they receive what others are willing to pay them.

This observation has become so true in our working society today. If the plant or business owner can receive the same results by placing the work overseas they will move the plant there.They have broken the Union movement by using this tactic. The worker today has little to no leverage in exacting wages,benefits,hospitalization,vacations and pensions.

Marine 8 Aug 27

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The only thing anyone has to sell is their time...expertise just ups the rate....Unions are the only way the average worker has to better themselves. Read just a bit about the hours & conditions (there were no benefits!) the average worker had before Unions!

My dad was a union rep and he believed in the need for a union but he was also opposed to the union graft.

@Marine where there is $$$ there is graft...seen Washington lately?
Which does not negate holidays/time off, overtime, OSHA, child labor laws, representation before being fired (just cause), to name just a few things unions have made possible.


The policy of using workers as grist for the mill, grinding them up until they have nothing left to give and then discarding them like trash on the slag heap, only to replace them with another worker has been taught as good business practice for a while now. It has lead to low productivity and poor returns, plus a lot of social ills, this is the mantra that Trump and his ilk like to spout, people who have never done any real work in their lifetimes.
If you work hard, take care of your people, treat them like family and share the wealth with them, you will go far.
It worked for me and I retired at the ripe old age of 48, my people did well for themselves and some carried on to open their own companies. It's not a secret formula, it's common decency.

I was a manager for a very large corporation and lost my job when I refused to fire workers over 55 because their salaries were to high and hire new people at a lower wage.I was also told to inform the rest of my workers that the company was revising the pension plan and going to the 401K and that it would be better for them when actually it cut costs for the company by 40% and their pensions by the same amount.

@Marine And that in a nutshell is why I retired early as a Construction Management Consultant, the scumbags at the top wanted everybody else to do their dirty work for them and I said NO. I made a career out of fixing problems and not creating them.


Sad to say that this country only respects business owners and not the worker who is responsible for them being a success. In over 100 years, we are pretty much back treating the workers like crap, just as it was around the time of the New York Triangle factory fire incident.

"I ain't a communist necessarily, but I been in the red all my life." - Woody Guthrie


Yes, are you just figuring that out? Good. Many people never make that trip.

I don't mean ro sound condescending, Marine. Worker rights and union history are two of my hot buttons. Right out of school, i organized a group of line workers, all women, who were treated lousy by management in a German manufacturing plant. I got fired, of course, but the union got in.


of course


Or what we can collectively force the bosses to give us.


You are 100% correct.

The event that changed everything was when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.

Prior to 1989, 5/6 of the world's unskilled labor was in Socialist or Communist countries.

The 1/6 of the world's unskilled workers who lived in capitalist countries had it made because almost all the world's working capital went into employing them.

With the collapse of Socialist/Communist countries worldwide, the global supply of free-market labor increased by a factor of 6. That's why unskilled workers in the USA, Canada, and Western Europe have fared so poorly since 1989.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 27, 2018
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