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What Is Intimacy?

I suppose we all define it a little differently, sort of speak different intmacy languages or understand moments of it as if they’re distinctly different shades of the same color..

What is intimacy, to you?

AMGT 8 Aug 28

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It's what I have with my best friend. We love and support each other through all the things, good and bad. And we remind each other to celebrate the wins, no matter how small. We give the best advice to each other, too, which is wonderful, because sometimes we can't do it for ourselves.

I love her so very much.


A friend put it this way which made a lot of sense: intimacy = "into-me-see" -- to me that means two people being vulnerable and open and able to let each other in.


It is the physical, psychological and emotional connection that people experience with another, or others.


Knowing and being known.

skado Level 9 Aug 28, 2018

I like this, but how can it be intimacy if only one person is experiencing it?

@AMGT I should have been clearer. I'm focusing on the last statement about the person in the back of your mind. All the others involve some sort of an real-time connection. I suppose if things are firing well on all cylinders in a relationship and your partner is that person always in the back of your mind, yes, I can see the intimacy there. Otherwise, it could have a completely different meaning and effect. I hope that makes sense. =] The things you just described, the neediness, I would not call intimacy, but rather insecurity.


The pleasure you give is also the pleasure you receive. A Hug, a Kiss, Sex, a conversation, experiences shared, laughter, play, silliness. holding hands...These are all intimate things.


Intimacy is ALSO who I let touch me.

I know some people can be sexual or flirtatious with someone without intimacy but I'm not one of them. If I want to be close with someone in any way, I want to be close with them in every way.


Being thoughtful, being respectful, creating levity and unprovoked emotional expressive words fall in there somewhere.


Only if I knew...


Yep...thats how I define it


When you each know the true and vulnerable state of each other, complete with the shortcomings and nasty parts, and communicate almost without having to exert effort. That's the best I can come up with.


being close in any way


When anxieties are eased or non-existent in the presence of a people or person presenting a connectedness through familiarity. Well, for me, anyway.


.... not sure about this 3am thing...


For me it is about trust. Whether it is a friend or lover. Who is that person or persons you know you can open up to about pretty much anything and know they won't judge you or ever use it against you. They are and have been very rare in my life.


Intimacy is a sense of quiet, yet intense, and joyful closeness.


That is very true. It can also be said for unrequited love.


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Intimacy, for me, is a kaleidoscope of vulnerability, connection, and shared experience. It's the whisper in the quiet between two souls, the unspoken understanding that flows through a knowing glance. It's the comfort of shared laughter, the solace of a warm embrace, the dance of two hearts beating in sync.
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Everyone has given me and @bloxorz the great ideas about it. Nice to read


Not definable it's different things at different times but it feels good when you experience it


Never having to say I'm sorry because the body never lies when intimate.

@AMGT Oh Yeah Indeed!!! But when the body of a woman offers entirely to you... all you can say is... I will never let you down... whatever it takes from me... you will get, without asking.

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