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We aren't perfect here but we do our best.... Trumpanzees hate us...


"A single standard of care is neither reasonable nor rational," - but isn't that what they were doing when these scalpel happy doctors starting cutting up these kids?

I can't speak with any authority, but seems to me that surgery should only be done in extreme cases (life/health issues), until the child is able understand the consequences and have input on the decision.


I am glad they specified corrective surgery. Surgery to provide adequate organ function like urine flow should be done but not to choose the gender one way or the other in these cases. My third cousin was chosen for as an infant and they chose wrongly.


Is intersex just another word for hermaphrodite? What a bizarre thing to spend tax dollars on. What is the percentage of people born with this affliction?

1 of every 2000 births is intersex.

@Roxi Would the tax dollars spent on the work and legal process spent on this have been better appropriated say like creating jobs?

@Druvius So you are saying this did not use tax dollars to pay the court the judge, legal staff the aids the supplies and resources. Did not say the legislator need to create jobs. The tax money used could have been better appropriate.

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