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Anyone else is the habit of making up silly songs for your pets?? I have several of them for potty pot pot time, let's get some nummies in our tummies, you're so brave for climbing the stairs, cool your jets it's relax time.....or am I slowly turning into a crazy pet lady???

Pooska 6 Jan 22

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Sung to "Oh Susannah"
Oh baby Hannah.
Happy as can be.
You're so cute.
No substitute.
For a Belgian Schipperke.

Lana Lana la marranna
Que tiene lagonllas
Es porque no tiene
Muchas muchas sesos.

I'm so embarrassed. =0}


Yeah, you are turning into crazy pet lady, but there's nothing wrong with that.


No, lol

I'm going to have to ask you to start asap or it will be put in your permanent file hahahaha


I have pet names for all my pets. I have 2 shar-pei brothers. the one called humbug I call bumslug and the one called dougle I call dougle mc dougle. I always have


Not songs or rhymes, but I do talk to them like one would to a small child, and make baby like nick names for them.


Not to my pets, but I love to make up silly words to songs I like. Sometimes I go all out for a parody, but sometimes I just make up words that have no meaning at all.

This is my new jam


Sitcom Friends... "smelly cat" by Phoebe comes to mind

Of course the video was pretty cool too.


I sing to my dog all the time, sometimes when we have visitors I forget and sing to her. It's embarrassing!


My dog goes out on her own-no songs.


My rescue pup turned out to be 1/pit, 1/2 white wolfy thing. Most wonderful dog ever. Her name was Rakli, it's a gipsy word for little white girl. As she grew, and grew, I sang a little ditty. "OH miss Rak attack, Rak attack rak attack. ... Every time some one said "Rakli-ATTACK! she smiled and danced. The actual "kill" command was of course something completely different and secret.

gipsy Level 4 Jan 22, 2018

That; in no way verifies your sanity, or mine. Ha ha ha.

@gipsy well.....if we get enough outsiders together...we become the inside wwaaahahahaha

You crack me up. 🙂 @Pooska


I find myself singing the NFL theme in meows...for the cats....they like it dammit!


I work with kinder students. Kinda like pets...we have a song for everything. A couple of dances too.

Clean up. Clean up. Everybody everywhere. Everybody do your share! The dig doesn't help but I still sing it lol


My parrots name is Boba, sometimes I'll sing and play Lola on my guitar. I change Lola to Boba. What can I say? He loves to dance.


Re member "Stinky Cat" from Friends. Lol

Smelly Cat, iirc - but good point 🙂


OMG yessss... LOL I sing "I know what boys want" for my cat, Batman. I sing, I know what cats want, I know what cats like... LOL and end with cats like cottonballs... yes, it is odd but he carries them around and kills them and he dances about and meows like crazy as I sing it. 😛 My kids think I should put it on youtube.

When I was little, there was a ginger cat that would wander into the school hall when we had singing lessons - and sometimes, he'd join in. To be fair, he was a better singer than quite a few of us in the class, myself included.


For pets, kids, people not even in the room, etc etc etc...
There is almost always some kind of music playing in my head; but I guess it keeps the voices entertained 😉

I call dibs on Tina Turner's theme music from mad max escape from thunder dome!

@Pooska only if you wear the outfit !


Do you know how much of a relief it is to find out I'm not the only one who does this? 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Jan 22, 2018

I honestly never felt more included in my life reading all this

@Pooska Same. I thought I was weird - but it turns out I'm not the only weirdo! 😀

@Jnei there is a possibility we're still really weird.... I'm not the best sounding board for what's "normal" that's what my friend that wears beige pants tells me anyway lol

@Pooska Undoubtedly, but at least I now know I'm not the only one 🙂

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