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Bloody hell I hope we don't have to do the Bernie thing again. Isn't that what got us to where we are now in the first place?
Well said
I never liked Bernie since he flew off the handle on Diane Rehm for asking a question on her show. All his supporters pitched a fit and she ended up apologizing publicly and left the show for personal reasons soon after. He gets all angry and red in the face when challenged.
It is definitely what split the vote -- in my opinion. It's not the only thing that caused this debacle (also gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc.). I'm not ANTI-Bernie. I AM for realizing when the race is close and doing the best thing for the COUNTRY. Dividing the vote and getting Trump as a result was simply careless and foolish. Again, in my opinion.
@Varn Yes, but too many of us allowed themselves to believe the crap. The Russians only facilitated the lies, they didn't actually vote. After all Hillary did get the majority votes.
@MsAl I recently found out about a group of guys known as the 'Bernie Brothers'. They were determined to never vote for a woman as president.
@twshield I kept thinking, just what we need another old white male.
@twshield What you were concerned about happening to Bernie we hope to happen to tRump!
@macrobius One person's proof is another's lie. Who knows what is true anymore. My first instinct is to question, who gains?
@twshield Appearances are always deceiving. As far as I'm concerned the guy looks very sick to me!!
@Varn Why, because I don't believe everything someone tells me?
@macrobius I have been engaging in lots of activities, including politics for the past 25 years. I live in a very active area Seattle/San Juan Islands and there are issues here (mainly environmental) that takes coordinated action to overcome the bad parts. One thing I/we do is called scoping letters. I have written some 30+ letters. Our letters, marches, demonstrations, phone calls/e-mails stopped the building of the largest coal terminal in the country from being built. There is no one way to work with politics but a multi-pronged effort.
Yep. His ideas are good, but knowing he would never get the nomination, he just went ahead and ended up being an opportunist populist. I would have voted for him, but not against Hillary. So, yes, bozo in the White House is in part his doing.
He sure has that mysterious spades! But, when he finishes with his latest project...he may completely disappear!
I like your line of thought.
Elizabeth Warren with a Bernie side order. Get with the programme America!! It's time for a female president!! All this testosterone in the world has blatantly got out of hand!!
And anyway it would be mint to see Trump versus Pocahontas!!
Michelle Obama for pres 2020 It's gotta be.
I am a fan of Cory Booker, but real humane people can't get the people's support, wholeheartedly. Look at Jimmy Cater. Booker, does have more fire, though. And Kamala Harris, has more political savy, with her humane attitude, but she is female. We are still giving a lot of lip service, to being a 'strong female'...but then it draws back! Good question! Love Oprah, but not for president...a president needs to be a little mysterious, otherwise the 'wolves' will devour all the good!
Not that I could vote, but Bernie is adorable
I picked Warren only because there was no "other" option.
I think it's too soon to predict now. We don't even know if he'll still be in office in 2020.
The challengers are up in the air too.
...'don't even know if he'll still be in office in 2020,' wouldn't that be nice, if HE wasn't?
Hell, I'll run.
You got my vote...!!
@Freedompath Thanks! The only 'wall' I promise to build is the one between church and state!!! LOL
@KKGator 2 votes...
I'd love to see the return of Obama. However, term limits are a really good thing. Perhaps he'll get back into the Senate.
I am hoping to see two of these three running for President and VP. Bernie Sanders (I wrote him in last time), Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Biden.
Cory Booker is too Liberal.
Hillary Clinton is just plainly corrupt and is a greater threat to America than Trump.
Robert Reich would be of no use for anything but economics, though he would be good for economics.
I no longer trust Elizabeth Warren after she backed Hillary.
Oprah is a gullible buffoon.
I voted for Hillary and would vote for her again if she were the candidate.
twshield, I see Hillary as a very serious threat because while she has not technically broken a law with intent [supposedly], she has repeatedly displayed behavior the could only be called Lawful Evil. Plus she brings in like-minded others and encourages those around her to be the same. Hillary and those like her are slowly eroding our government from under us. She is like a cancer that you don't notice what is happening until it is too late. Glupyy Trump is incredibly bad, of course, but he is bombastic, loud, obnoxious, and not very bright. He is like a foul, stinking, painful gangrenous wound that you can't ignore! In a very weird and painful way I think Glupyy Trump may do us some good by making America by calling attention to the intentional degradation of our government by Wealthy Elites / Corporations / other Countries / Greed / Corruption, and to start thinking about how it votes and taking it seriously. Hillary would only have allowed and encouraged it to get worse.
Macrobius, If that is what you call Sexual Assault, the world in your head must be a dark place.
WE NEED A PERSON WHO RESPECTS ALL RACES AND HAS BRAIN WHICH WE HAVE NOT HAD in our political system for years. I THINK all people running for public office need to be given a test to see if they have enough knowledge and the will to work for the people of this country.
It's called Meritocracy.
If the election was TODAY, from that list, I would choose Cory Booker.
I voted for every one because I believe, 100%, that ANYBODY could do a better job, and I believe the majority of Americans are so tired of all the WINNING that they will vote for ANYBODY but him.
a bullet can
yes it can can... can yes it can.
Can-0-Bullets ? Can-0-Spam ? Can-0-Beer ? Bag-0-Hammers ? The Donald has already proven that a Bag-0-Coke just Can't do it !
But we are atheists!!! We don’t believe in miracles!! : (
I was going to say my cat, but that was not offered as a choice.
How about Gavin Newsome??? Lt.Gov. of California?? Awesome man.
We will vote him into the governorship I 2018. Would he be ready for 2020?
I think he is. So smart, so savvy.
He is great. Although he is way to the left, and don’t get me wrong, I do support that 100%, but the problem could be to go so much to the left that we get a backlash, like the horrible response from the deplorables after the Obama presidency. But he will have my vote and my support during the campaign.
I will make that decision in 2020.
You could be dead by then...
Precisely my point.
Oprah is the only hope. She knows how to organize people as well as motivate them. She has the largest media and social network following of any other possible candidate.
Speaking of that 'media and social network' thing...have you forgotten about, what we have done to trump...we want even allow him to go the 'john' without our evaluation!
"Hoprah". She would make a decent candidate , but does she want to run ? She's been tapped before , & she's smart enough not to , "Noprah", proof that she is capable .
@Freedompath Awwwwww......poor racist, lying, ignorant, illiterate, imbecilic, misogynistic, hateful, tv-watching, tweet addicted, embarrassment to the whole country, stupid widdle donnie....We haven't "done" anything to the moron. Plenty of men came before him and handled the difficult job with grace, and dignity and without making us the laughingstock of the entire world.
@BlueWave see...Bluewave, proved my point...if there is the least 'speck of dirt' on trump, most of us ((except those people who needed a savior), will 'see' it before night fall! He should have been more careful in 'marketeing' himself to everybody!
If he's still the president 3 years from now I don't know if anyone can beat him.
The Corporate Republican funders have such a powerful array of political hitmen any prominent or potential Democrat would instantly become their target and incapable of withstanding the attack. Democrats continue to represent the best of an imperfect nation and I trust our Primary system to sort them out. But no more ‘celebrities,’ old men or angry women, please..
No Bullet to the head?
@Douglas Darn...
I didn’t vote because I don’t think anyone can beat Trump in 2020. Hell he’s doing a great jobs so far. Why would we want someone to beat him!
I don't agree with you and I believe the majority of Americans don't agree with you. He is a moron and he is NOT doing a good job. He is destroying our country. The only "good" he is doing is for the rich, the followers of Jesus, and the bigots. My opinion.
I think Hillary was right when she recognized that she had made a mistake when she said that only half of this low brow entertainer’s supporters were deplorables (paraphrasing).
Wow! At first I thought that Trajan61 was just being sarcastic!