Are you content to live the rest of your life at your current average level of happiness?
I have high energy and an eccentric personality. Most people don't know how to take me. I stay positive. I have been accused of being on drugs which I loath drugs. So to answer I make my kids laugh just about every day. I think being happy is a state of mind chose to be positive and happy comes with it. No doubt that I would love to have a lady share my life. I will remain happy either way. You are responsible for your own happiness.
I'm just lonely. I try to be happy alone but the plan isn't working. Recently I made a joke on facebook that I was going to buy myself a ring and engage myself. After getting so many likes, I'm convinced it might not be a joke. Then I decided I would take myself on a honeymoon so I'm going on vacation next month alone. I have to be happy, to be otherwise is not working.
Sark has lots of great inspirational bits about loving oneself. I get her newsletters to help me remember that I always have myself. And when we make new connections; then we also have each other.
If you have a roof, a car, a dishwasher, a dryer, a microwave oven, a washing machine you have everything a millionaire has. You are living the most comfortable life ever experienced by any civilization. The only people that actually have a different lifestyle than you are people with helicopters, yachts and private airplanes. Everyone else has the same things but they either look newer or older. We obsess over how big our houses are when we can only be in one room at the time. we obsess over how fast or big or fancy our cars are when they can only take you from A to B, and given traffic, all in the same amount of time. We obsess over nice furniture and kitchen cabinets and equipments when they can only store our stuff or heat our food in the same way... We need this or that brand to feel empowered or confident. It’s all human vanity.
I’m one of the luckiest persons on the planet. But I don’t seek comfort, I need constant new challenges. That’s why I’m back in school at 42 studying anesthesia.
I’m very happy. I have everything I need and don’t focus on the things I don’t have.
Very good way of looking at it
@ScienceBill72 Thanks, except I’m back in school because I want a fancier microwave oven ???
Some monkey wrenches in this happiness machine are clinical depression and poverty. Everyone doesn't have the same things, newer or older.
You have what I consider the most essential thing of all: Enough. It's a state of mind that some can attain with little more than the bare necessities, others not with all the wealth in the world.
I am very happy in my personal life. I was devastated when Trump won, and have been very worried and hoping for this nightmare to end, but that isn't affecting my personal happiness.
Mostly yes I am content. A companion would be nice but I don't see that happening so I am happy with what I have.
I'm depressed, live alone and have few friends. I just have my animals, books and movies which is enough for now, but eventually I'd like to find someone who understands me. My social anxiety makes it very hard to meet people.
YES! This is how I began my profile:
There must be fifty ways to meet your lover.
Hike a new trail, Dale
Climb a new hill, Bill
I’m full of joy, Roy
Come trekin’ with me.
I’m lookin’ for smiles, Miles
Intellectually smart, Art
Love a man with wit, Mitt
Come set yourself free.
If you are a Trump supporter, hit the back button NOW.
I find the wonder and joy in life. The infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand, the joy of tasting a juicy, ripe peach. Intense, playful, passionate and determined, I have fun every day.
I love hiking to alpine lakes surrounded by white glaciers and jagged mountain peaks. After dark, I look up and feel awed by the glowing Milky Way and billions of sparkling stars. We all need more low-level ecstasy in our lives.
I always liked the line in your bio about gazing up at sparkling stars. Reminded me of a favorite lyric: "Feel the sky blanket you/with gems and rhinestones/See the path lit by the Moon/for you to walk on..." Pearl Jam, "Unthought Known"
Thank you.
Well I am happy with what I have today, knowing things can get worst the next day any given day.....
Happy am I happy I live in a small house I came home this evening lit the fire cooked dinner washed up I'm sitting here in warmth I'm content I am by no starch of the imagination a wealthy man but I have good health there are people who have vast wealth who are not as content as I am with all their are in a lonely place am I happy I consider myself lucky that will do me
I'm never happy, my former partner used to say that to me.
I used to be unhappy all the time, by default, but that changed.
I'm now determined to stop wasting my days. I'm up for fun and laughter
I think all in all, things are pretty good and I'd be ok to remain at this level. Of course, life ISN'T static, things change from moment to moment. I expect things will actually get better for me, possibly I will be happier. But I've been so much worse. That being said, happiness is a choice. I've known people who appeared to have everything but weren't happy and I see people with far less who are the happiest people I've ever seen. I think far more important than happiness is contentment or peace of mind.
Nope, and studies find that depression is steadily rising amongst all ages.
As a society we've not adapted to learn how to be happy with the rise of social media and our ability to be connected with everyone but truly connect with nobody.
Einstein says that happiness comes from meaningful endeavors if I remember correctly. I've been trying to focus my efforts there for the past few years instead of relying on hoping I find someone who aligns with my ideals AND isn't crazy. No offense ladies as I tend to be attracted to crazy.
I'm never happy it must run in my family lol.
Glad I'm not the only one
Yes I am happy and yes I am content to live the rest of your life at my current average level of happiness. I've always been convinced that people make their own happiness. Back in the "born again Christians" days my born again friends kept asking me about that "empty feeling inside". I said I do not feel any empty feeling and they hammered on me over and over in an attempt to get me to say I felt empty. I took that to mean unhappy. They seemed convinced that when I agreed to have an empty feeling they had the cure, Jesus! I also think it is a mistake to think one should feel "happy" all the time. Happiness, to me, is to feel content most of the time, maintain a positive attitude, embrace happiness when it occurs and understand there will always be occasional sad times regardless how happy one is.
Yes, I would. I have experienced misery and agony. I am happy enough, even though I have sadness and pain sometimes.
No. But I know how to fix it and I'm working on it.
Ummmm, I don’t know about that. I live in an apartment while everyone else around me seem to be getting houses so I guess things could be better.
I would just try and be happy with what i have, im not saying you arent. But more things to take care of like a house can be a burden alot of times, maintenance is pricey
@ScienceBill72 Thanks so much! Someone just recently told me that ,”People that live in houses are all that.” I kid you not and pretty much looked down on people who live in apartments.
@EmeraldJewel my response to that person would be oh so your philosophy is basically one of an Asshole, alot of people are just that! What you have or place you live doesn't make you better!
@EmeraldJewel I am a happy Apartment dweller here! Tons of people are selling their houses (I did) and renting because of the instability of EVERYTHING!! And taking care of a house is ENORMOUS!! I Love being able to call my landlady to fix everything!!! You are good!!! Enjoy!
@Humanist5 Calling the landlord to fix everything is the best part lol.
I am buying a house and am terrified! I left an apartment that I absolutely loved! Before that, I lived in a car. I love every roof over my head and will never knock someone for the place they call home.
I must be, since I have not eaten my gun, and have no plans to do so.
I am an optimist and even on the crappiest days I try to find something positive. I am fortunate to have great friends although my family is far away.
I may not have a choice, but I hope not. I'm still getting through a rough patch.