French would be interesting, there's a lot of french speaking people here in Southern Louisiana.
I love French. Recently discovering that I have roots in Senegal and Louisiana, i guess it could make sense I’d be interested lol. Just kidding.
In our travels, we usually work at learning so language for where we are going. My wife's grandmother spoke german and she does well there. She also took french in school and is conversational there. I took spanish and do okay in travel mode. Have also learned some italian, and greek. Tried to learn some polish as we went with global volunteers it Poland to work with school kids on conversational english. Didn't do well with Polish. Had a exchange student from Brazil who stayed with us for 9 months, and has invited us to come visit, so would like to learn brazilian portuguese.
The Black Speech of Mordor.
Maybe tlhIngan Hol.
Just putting my nerd credentials on display.
Alien so they can get me the fuck off this planet.
IKR! I was just thinking about that the other night.
Spanish in combination with English would allow you to go anywhere...almost.
If I could "magically" speak a language it would be Chinese. I am fluent in Haitian Creole, can get along in, and read, French, Spanish, and now some Thai. I started to get fluent in Japanese several years ago but quit, because it was interfering with speaking Thai. I learned American Sign Language for fun years ago, but I'd need practice.