Are we Ever going to get past "boys will be boys"???????
She had a good point but she beat that dead horse to a greasy pulp.
I'm sure there are times (or will be) where false accusations are made as an attack on a man in (or seeking) power. But unfortunately there is usually a pattern, and it tends to take the first brave woman, then others follow, to have some level of truth established. However, as a nation, there should be stronger sexual harassment /misconduct laws, better means of investigating violations and of course education from cradle to grave on what is and is not acceptable. Women should help make those laws and participate in the educational process to ensure the outcome represents their needs. Ultimately, better communication between men and women on what is expected, desired and acceptable is sorely needed in all situations. I suggest we take the "me too" movement out of the court of public opinion and put it into real courts (and schools). And yes, even one credible incident as alleged in Kavanaugh's case should disqualify him from a lifetime on the highest court because he may be ruling on creating a process he potentially violated.
Very well stated. I agree with 100% of your statement.