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Some people are just born into a lucky life while others aren’t? True or false?

I couldn’t help but notice this. I’ve seen here are some people who just can’t seem to have anything go well in life no matter how hard they try. Yet I’ve seen some people where everything just always falls into place all the time. It just seemed like there was always something messing up in these people’s lives and I just needed to make sure I wasn’t the only one to notice this and wonder if it’s just some people are born into a lucky life while others aren’t?

EmeraldJewel 7 Sep 24

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90 comments (51 - 75)

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Soe people are born with wealth and privilege. What they do with that advantage determines their "luck."


Sex me


Absolutely. Look at every politician in America


Don't be trapped into believing you are "doomed" . Some people seem to be born under a "lucky" star, others can't win for losing. Take heart ! Your life is what you make it...there are always those whose lives seem golden. Just take heart, and stock of all your blessings, and concentrate on what you can do for others. The rewards for this can be amazing...and may make you forget your lack of "luck" !


I agree with the above, I think though it is random. Some kids like mine are luckier in the fact that they grow up without , in a comfortable area and get to travel all over the world with me. I always try to not reward result but reward effort. In life there is no guarantee. you may get something your way which you put little effort into and vice versa. As as you understand that input and output have a correlation, you can be good. My kids often get other kids who tell them their are so lucky to have their parents. That is luck of the draw as kids do not choose their parents.


(WE ARE WHAT WE BELIEVE)! Fact is, if we believe we are not, then we are not, it’s as easy as that. But, (WHEN) We believe we are just as worthy, then you are. It all has to do with self cultivation. Shitty huh.

Yes...if you believe there is food on your empty plate, you will not go hungry. I am eating a nice big steak right now.


Luck is a thing, and you don't make your own. The best you can do is seize on an opportunity when you get one.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

In most cases in life you get what you give


I would call it chance rather than luck. We are here only because of the unlikely chance that our ancesters managed to survive and pass on their genes. We were born in developed countries by chance. This is one reason why the iunequalities in the world are so wrong - we have what we have by chance and should try to share it with those who didn't get that chance.


If you call it luck that all of us conversing here can read & write, can afford a computer or phone to access this site, & have electricity to power our electronics, then I do believe we were born lucky--most all of those things are due only to our good fortune to have been born to parents who lived in industrialized nations, & very little due to any exceptional efforts on our part. Other ways most of us were born into luck: your mother had access to prenatal care & nutritious food before you were born. You did not inherit any harmful genes or incur any disabilities. Your parents then saw to it that your medical, dental, educational, & nutritional needs were taken care of long before you were even aware of it.

Carin Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

Call it luck, circumstance, fortune or the Lord's blessings. There is no way to deny that everyone is born into a world different from each other. From the color of your skin, the country you are born in, the health of your genetic clan, the relationship of you parents, the financial status of your family. All of these determine much of what happens in the early years of your life. They may not be the only determining factor on how you advance through that life, but they certainly have bearing on how you move forward. But it doesn't end at birth of course. Life is a series of changes as we grow that can affect your psyche. Family divorce, death, loss of employment, moving, personality disorders, bullies, pedophiles and numerous medical issues continue to affect how and how well we develop. Some personalities deal well with certain hardships, some personalities deal badly with the best of situations. Overcoming the highs and lows of life is not something everyone is good at. And they cannot often be controlled but only dealt with.
I consider myself very lucky! I had a hard working, successful, loving father, a wonderful caring mother, a great extended family, loving grandparents, aunts and uncles. My father's job took us to Europe for almost ten years, moving every two or three. Would my life had been totally different if we had stayed in Lancaster, PA for my entire life? Dad could have had a good job at the home company, or perhaps gotten work with other companies and stayed in one place. Of course! Better or worse? Who knows, there is no way to change our past or know how it would have turned out. There are others who are born without any of these things, single mother, large family with little income, broken family ties, foster homes, orphans. While they are certainly unlucky in their birth right, many manage to overcome these obstacles and lead very successful lives, but they have to work a lot harder at it. And many never are able to overcome those obstacles and flounder, get more adverse situations thrown at them and never recover. Medical issues, financial setbacks, not caused by anything they themselves did are certainly bad luck.
Of course many people create their own destiny and call it luck or bad luck. If you go in and smack your boss in the face, it isn't bad luck that you lost your job. If you work your ass off and make a lot of money, it isn't good luck, though being in the circumstances that allowed you to do either of those things could be considered luck.


I have heard that luck is a substance a person can gather by walking in wilderness.


Obviously it is true that some people are born into privilege, money, and power while some people earn or acquire those attributes for themselves often through hard work. Some of us are born into situations in which we want for nothing. It means a lot more when you come from nothing and you manage to succeed in life.


I have some observations to that subject. Some times back luck can be attributed to poor decisions or bad environment, but there are people I have met who seem to catch windfall after windfall, where others work hard and yet the train of misery keeps running over them and back up repeatedly.

I have two acquaintances. One has never won money gambling, ever. The other has never walked out of a casino with less money than he had when he entered. (not much more, but never less)


It's true. Some people are more privileged that others. Racism, lack of money, and lack of opportunity hold many of us back. We have to make the best of what we have. Many will tell you that money cannot buy happiness. OK, just let me try that million bucks for a while and decide for myself. Is there anyone with money who is tired of it and wants to give it to me? Probably not.


I think we make our own luck but then i have lived a good life but I made things happen and when bad things did happen to me as they do , I got over it with a little help from my freinds. I think some of the secret of getting through it all is to not care, take it as it comes. My son was once miscalled by somebody from a podium and was up next and just brushed it away saying well that was a fantasy and then proceeding, got to make everyone laugh then cry.then laugh again. Some people have the capacity to not take life too seriously and otheres are caught u pin their own egotism


I think it’s true, some are born with good health and money and connections.


Definitely some people start out with advantages and I am glad for them and that they didn’t have to deal with some of my problems. I have worked hard all my life to create those advantages for myself and my children.


We're like a few billion pinballs careening through the universe.


It helps to be born into a wealthy family like Trump was...then if you are a complete fool, you can still be successful.

Trump was given 1 billion by his dad he's now worth 3 billion if he had invested it in the stock market he would be worth 13 billion.What a looser a rich one though.




My vote: yeah, duh. 😉



This could get into the debate about free will.


I'd say so...Granted that doesn't mean someone whose had some luck on their side hasn't had some hardship or difficulty...It does seem hard to at times not look at some and think "Wow someone sure does get the dick end of the stick" or vice versa.


The luck factor begins with our birth circumstances and continues until after we die. We can change our track in life by our own actions creating certain "lucky" situations for ourselves. Some barriers to success can be insurmountable. However, we absolutely control our attitude which can determine whether or not we find happiness.

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