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Are you an example for people around you?

If you're in an area where most people Believe, do they see you as an anomaly?
"(S)He's one of those!"
Do you think they comprehend more about non-belief by knowing you?
Do you feel pressure to be a good example?
Are you honored to demonstrate that a person does not need a mythological threat in order to be a good person?

CallMeDave 8 Sep 25

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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I just be myself if they like it fine if not its their problem


I try my utmost to be a good example to those I meet or know, especially children in the hope they too will take on my aims and attempts.


I only care about setting a good example for my children.


No, I only answer to myself. I would not presume to be so important that I am setting examples for anyone. I live by my own values and whether or not I can look myself in the mirror. 😀


I don’t really care. If I am, so be it.


no. I'm the guy that makes them think atheists are jerks. I don't care. "well, I'd respect atheists more if they were nice" means nothing to me since the vast majority of the people around me think atheists, nice or not, literally DESERVE to suffer eternal torture. they want respect, I'm going to need a little bit more than "I'd be nicer to you, but still believe you are less than an animal" in order to give it to them.


I get called out for “being such a nice guy” despite not being religious. I don't feel honored by it, I’m disappointed. Disappointed that they cannot value their own judgement.


For me.. being into Taoism is more of an anomaly than being agnostic. I do try and be a good example without pushing my beliefs.

yet the term at least if not the notion of Karma is coopted by so many prople, often Christians.

@CallMeDave you know what.. I never even thought about that!

@hippydog well, as long as your karma runs over their dogma.


Nope. I have no such desire. I'm too busy being me ?


I hope people see me as good


I don't know.




To answer the header...I have no idea

To answer the subs:
Don't know
Don't know

Not much help really was I?

Points, brah!


I hope not, a world full of grumpy, old, know it alls, like me would be insufferable


I try to be a good example to my daughters, any one else I don't take into consideration. I live my life as what I want my daughters to be, and if other people see that and associate it with my non belief that is fine. I don't advertise that I'm not a believer, I don't find it necessary. I don't give a flying flip for the court of public opinion.


Sure...a bad one. Good person just trying to do it my way will destroy their liver

I don't know. I don't try to tell people what to is what I hate most about the need to spread. For me good ideas are more powerful and spread more effectively if left alone and people choose it for themselves.


I honestly don't know. I do not wear my nonbelief on my sleeve so I'm not sure how many people know that I'm an atheist. I kept it very quiet while I was working. Being a feminist and an activist for marginalized groups I was already perceived as 'out there'. I was afraid adding atheism would finally give people permission to totally marginalize me and minimize my impact. Now I feel no pressure. I really don't care what people think of me. Many, if most, won't like me. But then I don't like most people.

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