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QUESTION 13 Weird Things That Happen to Your Body During Sex

Labored breathing. Undulating fats dripping sweat. Pungent smells and fluids of all sorts leaking out of every orifice. When you get right down to it, is there anything less sexy than sex?

According to several recent studies, the human body is both exceptionally gross and fantastically weird, and never more so than when it is engaged in the act that makes new human bodies. Despite exceptional amounts of popular interest, the physical effects of sex on the body have historically proven somewhat difficult to study.

For many years, religiously-motivated concerns about morality prevented studies from happening, and even when a study finally gets underway, other problems presented themselves. "The Observer Effect" states that it is impossible to stick a bunch of electrodes on a couple, set up a bunch of recording and monitoring devices, and watch them having sex from behind a two-way mirror and still think that your results will mirror those of sex in the wild.

Despite all of those obstacles, we have managed to learn a few things about what happens to your body during sex. Here is a list of some of the gross, weird, fun, awesome, hilarious, and confusing things that humans do when they're doin' it.

AlasBabylon 8 Jan 27

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That would make a good speech for the abstinence lobby.


There was a series called "the science of Sex" a number of years ago. It was fascinating. In Austria scientists asked women who frequented discos to agree to a swabbing and a video being made. The swabbing showed where they were on their cycle It was found that when "fertile" the women dressed and danced more provocably. So many things go one with our bodies that we don't know about or can control. We are mostly programmed machines.

That's interesting. I saw a program once (might have been The Science of Sex) where they had a camera inserted into a woman's vagina, and you got an inside view of a woman's orgasm.

@MST3K If you like that kind of stuff (I do) check out the book "Bonk". I guarantee you, you will not be able to put it down. It was written by a woman.

@JackPedigo I'll make a note of that -- thanks!

Apparently the most alluring perfume is mucus from an ovulating female.

@273kelvin I guess you know where ambergris comes from?

@MST3K I just remembered another interesting Fact. You were shown 2 close-up pictures of cleavage. Then the camera backed off and what you say was one cleavage and one butt crack. It was shown that monkeys were attracted to female monkeys rear when the females were in heat. As we evolved to the upright position that view also moved up to the chest area. The basic drive was the same, just different parts of the body.

@JackPedigo I recall reading something like that many years ago in a book called "The Naked Ape". Here's a link to it on Amazon: [] if you want to check it out.

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