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Around 4 - 6ish months ago, I had a one night stand with a transgender lady. It was an... interesting experience. What do you guys think about sexual encounters with those who are transgender? Btw, if you want details, you can PM me.

RYSR10 6 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I appreciate you honesty about dating a transwomen...not often that Men will do so thanks!
But why not speak openly about the 'details'?

Well, I don't think talking about specifically what we did would be what people want to hear first looking at the post lol (e.g., giving head, intercourse, nipple play).

So it wasn't a "date" were you went out in public for dinner/drinks/ movie?

@Charlene nope. Just a casual sexual encounter at her place.

So the whole refusal by men to acknowledgeTranswomen as acceptable partners is fucking sad..

@Charlene what do you mean?


Did you know she was transgender beforehand?

I did. I appreciated her honesty, which made me more interested.

@RYSR10 also You knew before hand she was trans...

@Charlene correct.

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