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When I got married my wife was not religious. When we had a child religion started creeping in, symbols of indoctrination started showing up. I tried to be supportive, even went to church even though I have been a life long open atheist. I found the more religious she got the more anti-religious I got. I got more involved in deductions on line and even started a YouTube channel "TomTheAtheistOn". My wife had a miscarriage and her father dies and something snapped and religion became all important. Then she found god and so she left me. That's right, as an atheist my wife left me for god, classic.
But since she left my desire to speak out against religion has tapered off and after over 400 videos I lost the desire to make more. Religion became a toxin in my life and it was making me sick, and then it was gone and I got healthy again.
Now I steer clear of getting too involved with anyone religious.

ThomasLevi 6 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I have agreed not to discuss religion with my wife of 42 years as I don’t think she’s ever going to come around to my way of thinking and I won’t come around to hers. She finally adknowledge’s my atheism and his given up on pressuring me to go to church with her.


"AMEN" to that. Weirdly, other religions don't annoy me like Christianity does.

For instance, I've been teaching in Thailand since 2010, and Thai Buddhism doesn't annoy me. I even join my Thai friends and students in meditation and/or banquet celebrations at the local temples when asked. I love to meditate, and Thai food is the best, so any excuse will do.

The temples are perfect for it..unreal beauty, open design, wild and domestic animals coming and going at will, ancient bells you can ring with a gong to give you good energy vibrations, etc.

Best of all, everyone is accepted, people are left alone to partake or not, and nobody EVER condemns you, or tries to convert you.


I believe that some things 'die' because they have seved their purpose. If people could stop pointing blame in all directions and at each other, healing would take place quicker and we would get on to the next 'thing.' without guilt. That is a hard thing to teach, because people in any kind of pain, often times lash out at other people, their god, their dog/cat, car, trees...sometimes ANY inanimate object! Oh! I forgot...sometimes, we lash out at ourselves!! My belief is that if we had good parenting as a child, there would be little "lashing out', going on in adulthood! Ofcourse, that would be the ideal...


When my son was born that was the exact moment I no longer wanted anything to do with religion. I held him and knew I didn't want the influence of religion in life. I'm divorced now but she isn't going back to church and I thank her for it. Your probably better off in the long run without her.

It is hard to maintain as an atheist fighter. It feels like a losing battle.

MikeJ Level 5 Jan 28, 2018

Imo it is nonetheless important to recognize a personal mythology, regardless of whether it agrees with anyone else's or not. I might suggest this guy, [], mostly bc EmeraldJewel invoked Hitchens lol, so does he 🙂


Christopher Hitchens wasn’t lying when he said that religion poisons everything. I’m sorry that happened to you. I had an ex that was somewhat religious and would always get to talking about the seven year tribulation crap and I was so damn tired of it. I absolutely hate religion, but I look forward to checking out your YouTube channel.


I dated a bunch of girls/women who knew I was an Atheist but thought they could change me. Now I just avoid Christian Women like they had AIDS.

That’s the best thing. They do have aids. They’re infected with Christ physcosis aids to the brain.


That is a tough story, thank you for sharing it.


I thought you looked familiar. I liked your videos. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I don't blame you for your reticence. I'm glad to know you are well.

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