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Mark Whittington
“I don’t know anything. Ever. It’s really quite relaxing”
i have done so little with so much for so long, i am now qualified to do nothing with anything 😀
beliefs are a pimple on the forehead of under standing


Two ER doctors in New York log what the rest of the world can't see
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
w/a grain of salt if you dont mind, ladies i mean you aint watching no malaria deaths catalogued eh oh and i have a diff number to go with that too btw; 2,200,000,000,000
Well I’m glad I’m not a Christian! []
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Not sure c19 is the best battle to pick though...
Perhaps this is a bad joke under the circumstances, but I would like to practice social-distancing ...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
it is the religious who are the most roundly condemned in the Bible, fwiw :) *understand why the publicans and prostitutes are beating you into the kingdom* eh but also social distancing for healthy people is retarded imo, sorry
Coronavirus claims an unexpected victim: Florida vegetables
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
i guess its too early to tell ppl to just keep calm and get infected, unless they are immune-compromised, huh?
Those of you who have followed me for some time know that Kate, the love of my life, has ...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
i would ask what your wife's primary source of omega 3 is, that is an autoimmune disease right? completely curable fwiw
Here’s my conundrum about Easter and Passover.
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
well, *No Son of Man may die for another's sins* is OT, yeh. And i guess the Bible Itself will tell us that It is not the Word of Yah, so imo men make that up...and Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it? supposedly? The law is said to be "inadequate," but that does not mean "useless" i dont think; the speed limit in a school zone might be 20, but if little kids are pplaying near the curb and one trips and falls into the street, i might need to slow down to 5 or something, eh? So, *after He destroys all dominion, authority, and power* sounds to me like getting rid of the *rulers,* not necessarily the rules? Anarchy iow--not chaos, which we are taught to conflate that with--and...1Sam8 and "easter" is a roman god, not in the Bible anywhere i guess
Life is full of ups and downs. How about you?
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
two buttons and a chain maybe? :)
Does any one here have a special relationship with a creature that is not a pet.
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
my dad was always aable to get the local squirrels to come sit in his lap, but i have rarely stayed anywhere long enough to develop a relationship. Got pitchers? :D
Bible stories may not be factual - but they are nonetheless true
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Adam and Eve might also be contemplated as you, in thinking and emotions *two men in a bed two men in a field*, and *they were naked, and not ashamed* like babies? *eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge* then becomes a synopsis of growing up and losing innocence, etc
Why is this app called “Agnostic”?
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I guess the definition is kind of subjective, but agnostic might also mean “against knowledge “
If you really want to learn about religion without going to church or listening to a preacher then ...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 6, 2020:
“The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible” Samuel Clemens
My mother keep on telling me that I should believe in Christ.
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
yup, sounds like Catholicism alright. I mean are they the best at casting blame or what? Fwiw that has nothing to do with Christianity at all, not that most xtians do either i guess. On the other hand, Catholics are where one usually finds themselves going to if they are down and out! Weird, huh
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
*i know the wolves will rush in as soon as i leave, not sparing the flock*
A "How did we get here question".
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
how's anarchy lookin' now? :D
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 1, 2020:
ok but dont forget "infected" = "immunized" for the 98%
What natural phenomena could be considered all-powerful?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
change maybe
What is the hardest thing to believe in the Bible?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
so stop reading so literally imo, wasnt meant to be read that way anyway
My response God: I will unleash a virus that indiscriminately kills the old, the weak and frail.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
"indiscriminately" you think? I guess even 90 year olds with healthy immune systems will be fine. But really the weak you dont want in your gene pool anyway?
Religion is Bullshit []
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Bible says the same thing :)
What's the difference between religion and spirituality?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
i agree that the terms have been appropriated, but wadr they do not have to be defined that way. A good illustration of "spirit" might be to walk into a room full of kids and tell them they are all going to Disneyland? And "soul" just meant "life" in the Bible; the two terms are interchangeable. It is only the deceived who believe they "have" a soul *and Adam became a living soul*
I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no way in hell that a hail storm killed 25,000 to 300,000 battle ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
not supposed to be taken literally anyway i guess
It's interesting watching all the religious and new agey people quietly going about canceling their ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 30, 2020:
well, there are laws or at least very strong directives involved too though
If god needs to be protected - then god depends on the protector.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
i guess this is covered in *idols made of wood* too btw. I mean you are like literally saying what Yah is saying in those passages. See we have forgotten the significance of "unpronounceable" and *Unknown God* now, any god whose name you can pronounce, and you can say you "know" enough to "love" (or hate) or accuse of "obvious mistakes" is a god made of wood, basically
If I say there is no god, you cannot prove me wrong.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
so, believe it or nt Yah does not "care" if you believe in a god, or God, or not!; there is no judgement for beliefs in the Bible. Only for works. refs on request
If god needs to be protected - then god depends on the protector.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
youre assuming that Yah needs protecting, i guess, when there is no "one" to protect. Yah is "spirit?"
If god needs to be protected - then god depends on the protector.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
i think that is why *the Unknown God* is contemplated in the Bible, fwiw
If you close your eyes it doesnt go away
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
and what is the dilemma, unless that guy on the switch is the trolley owner?
Here is a short description of "Iroquoian " Law.. and spirituality... not quite what you think?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
have you ever flown on a plane? Do you know how turbojet engines work? Yet you had no fear of not reaching your destination, right? You have not begun to understand what faith is, wadr. and, working down, *Test everything, and keep what is good Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. But you are a chosen race, A royal priesthood,* (that's anyone, Samaritans, Cyrenians, Whores, doesnt matter)* Do not pray like the pharisees No one has ever gone up to heaven If you dig a pit for others, you end up in it yourself* although for anyone who has actually taken to heart what Christian believers imagine about the Bible, and maybe it is no longer accessible to them for that reason? Imo Dao or the Iriquois way are hard to beat. But trust me you have not understood the Bible yet, no one has i guess *No Son of Man may die for another's sins;*
As bad as C-19 is, and getting worse.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
imo they deserve each other :)
The people who read the bible also believe that god wrote the bible! WRONG! Man wrote the bible! ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
hmm, i read it, and i dont believe Yah wrote it. And fwiw i dont think anyone was trying to explain "who" created the earth, Adam and Eve are acknowledged by scholars to be "types" and not actual ppl, etc. Imo you are just too lazy to read for yourself lol
I want to say that I am an agnostic, and I don;t need/want anyone trying to tell me what I "really" ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
"this is that and that is this, and fuck you if you have an opinion bc im right and youre not anyway, and Christianity and Islam wanna tell ppl how cows eat cabbage" lol, ok
The bible god/Yahweh/Jesus is the greatest abortionist.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
:rolleyes so what ezackly is your point, professor
Ok we've already got the pestilence, and now the midwest is expecting some very severe weather.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Would "the apocalypse of peter" have changed your mind about christianity?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
ha, im such an asshole, jesus lol
Would "the apocalypse of peter" have changed your mind about christianity?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
"The AoP in a nutshell is basically a book that says jesus came back to earth to visit peter, and seeing peter was filled with doubts took him to heaven to show him it was all worth it." i could shred your whole post with the Bible, but as im not sure how youll take this ill just shoot you this one example for now--but like every concept up there is whacked imo ok, at least the Bible doesnt support them--*No one has ever gone up to heaven but He Who came down from it, The kingdom of heaven is within you, Understand why the publicans and prostitutes are beating you into the kingdom, ...* guess thats enough for now? Lemme know. Have a nice day ok, and fwiw i dont blame you, when we have sooo many "homospirituals" all beating the same drum how could they possibly be wrong, right? *Wisdom is hidden from the wise* i guess
Would "the apocalypse of peter" have changed your mind about christianity?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
so iow you never bothered to read the Bible, and just trusted that the idiots you surely had no desire to be like were reading it correctly, that about right? Pretty much my path too. "The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible" SClemens
Do you think the churches will be full on Easter?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
"Easter" lol, dunno how they might possibly be responsible after supplanting Passover for a pagan fertility goddess? but to your point, who gets to define "responsible?" The 80% of asymptomatic ppl, or the 90% who are living in fear?
A diversion might help relieve some of the madness around us all?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
you can even regress back to the day you first recognized your "self," at about 18 months or so, although that day seems to be a wall that you cannot see behind, at least for most ppl? "Pre-self-consciousness" that is, but even "pre-reflective self-consciousness" has useful parallels i guess
Total KNOWN world Coronavirus cases are about to top half a million! (499,303 cases as at 18.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
so to put that in perspective, 0.00714285714 or .71% of the total pop. Fwiw the number of additional deaths daily are also statistically insignificant. Where is the disconnect, iyo?
The Big Bounce has challenged the Big Bang! If correct, the universe is eternal-- it was never ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
the point there might be mostly to equate "eternal" with "forever" once again, just to cement the error in everyone's mind; even though "eternal" comes from "aeon, a space of time, an age" originally, see. As to the big bounce theory, that fits the orig def of "eternal" quite nicely imo, whether it works out or not, dunno
I have seen the ultimate now. They are putting Bible verses on surgical masks. Are you kidding me?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
hey, they already have a caduceus--a "snake on a pole"--on their lapels lol, whaddya want, all the clue anyone should need see
How does the atheist community react or respond to the following for example: This is Lent right ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
ha well there is a cure, it works great, and it is called "having healthy immunity," which is why 80% are asymptomatic, see, and 90% of the rest will not die. The family separation and all is on you of course, as is the entire rest of how you choose to experience it, yeh? Be mad at "God" if you like, but wait, arent you an atheist? ps, "Lent" is some made-up pagan bullshit anyway wadr, not in the Bible anywhere, strictly a pagan-fascist Roman Catholic thing ok. It is not Lent right now for Christians, only for Catholics
AG William Barr: “Men Are Far Likelier to Obey Rules That Come from God” | Hemant Mehta | ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
are atheists under-repped in prisons? got a ref for that? ty
Say “No” to Death’s Dominion | R. R. Reno | First Things
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
ok we do understand that "flattening the curve" will result in ezackly 0 lives saved, right, saving lives is not the point there?
What do you fear more.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
imo support or engender a black market, Amish or Mennonite ppl, etc and i wouldnt spend a dime at some Corp place. Keep calm and garlic on :)
Struggling with hell/satan/evil stuff.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
there is no "hell" in the original Bible, that is the invention of scribes xlating the Bible into English for us, *Gehenna* is a place on earth, and Sheol is just the grave, and Hades is a greek god whose mythology has no punishment in the afterlife attached to it. The Bible even says *If you dig a pit for others, you end up in it yourself* eh? So if you like Quote any instance of "hell" you can find and we can look at it, bc trust me our concept of hell is not on There ok, except possibly for Abaddon, the "place" reserved for evil spirits? But just like heaven, that is not meant to be taken so literally yeh? *the kingdom of heaven is within you* etc
Less fear of hell?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
fwiw our concept of hell came from Norse/Angle scribes xlating the Bible for us, and is not even in the original; *Gehenna* is a place on earth. They just didnt have any better analogy to xlate Gehenna into i guess? Well, thats prolly bs, they had trash dumps too, but after all they were surely all "believers" wanting to goto heaven, so for that someone had to "go to hell" i guess *if you dig a pit for others, you end up in it yourself*
I'd like to make an analogy to dead religions and the Jesus story.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
the scientific method *test everything, and keep what is good* anyway, really liking the virus angle, but be sure the virus is IDed correctly eh imo religion is just a symptom maybe
I'd like to make an analogy to dead religions and the Jesus story.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
awesome, prolly stealin it fwiw this is encoded in the Bible, i shit you not, briefly believers are "Esau" *gimme some of that red stew, or i will die!* with their human sacrifice pov and you are "Jacob," and *understand why the publicans and prostitutes are beating you *(Esau)* into the kingdom* "jesus of nazareth"="john doe, from nowhere"
VIDEO: A line of believers in Serbia using same spoon on holy communion in the midst of corona ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
gotta say im surprised; i assumed "agnostics" would...know better. When you find yourself agreeing with the herd, time to pause and reflect imo
I'm no scientist but it seems to me we sure are giving the climate a breather with much of the world...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
pretty sure all the carbon hoo-ha is to cover all the methane release?
To those who have a Christian background: How are New Testament theology and evolution compatible?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
*the dust of the earth*
VIDEO: A line of believers in Serbia using same spoon on holy communion in the midst of corona ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
It's just a different model of disease and i guess mentality which we are not really equipped to understand, being so fascist now imo. Avoiding getting "infected" is avoiding getting immunized--they are the same vector, as anyone who has ever gotten the flu from a flu "vaccine" can attest--and isolation should only be practiced by those most at -risk, not the herd. 80% show no symptoms, 90% of the rest will not die, and you wanna shut down the whole economy and hide? will someone pls go review how superbugs are manifested ty isolating is suicide, basically.
Not Bored Yet
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 22, 2020:
you rawk
To those who have a Christian background: How are New Testament theology and evolution compatible?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Some scriptures to consider; in that vein; *No son of man may die for another’s sins; No one has ever gone up to heaven, There is only one immortal* soul and life are the same root in the Bible too i guess
While everything is taken place in the world right now, how many of you have starting talking to ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Anyway, to your point, I personally don’t pray like that, but sayings like “there are no atheists in fox holes” Do not generate for no reason, imo :) As has already been mentioned somewhere on this site, Yah Is the one who made the pandemic, and after all 80% of us are not even going to notice it when they get “infected”
500,000 infected?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
ha ok look virtually the whole world is going to get "infected" ok, the whole point of the isolation is to "flatten the curve" so your healthcare (sickcare, actually) providers do not get overwhelmed with everyone showing up all at once. You do get that like 80% of those infected exhibit no symptoms at all right ps, professors are idiots, and "dead doctors don't lie" and dont even get me started on the cdc lol, yikes
lol all these idiots praying for god to save them from the virus. wasn't it gods idea?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
wadr for that you would have to be posting in a Christian forum?
A few rambling observations on feel-good faith… I gave up my religious beliefs years ago, and ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible" SClemens *No son of man may die for another's sins; No one has ever gone up to heaven There is only One Immortal The dead know nothing*
When you finally realize that your imaginary friend is going to let you down because they are ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
i guess the virus is maybe going to let you down too then, 80% of those infected show no symptoms?
Has anyone else noticed that religion is portrayed as truth and real history on most TV ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
fascism is a religion too i guess
Mystery religions were prevalent in Egypt and all the middle east at the time of adoption of the ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
"same as it ever was" yeh
I am atheist
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
*Understand why the publicans and prostitutes are beating you into the kingdom* :)
I am atheist
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
im passing curious why you would come to an agnostic site then? I have no frame of ref here, are there not viable atheist sites? ty
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven | The Independent
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
i think the message was maybe as much for "believers" as atheists
Does god exist?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
"existence" per se requires "objective evidence" for which we have none, but that does not mean "not real"
When I was a teenager and in a bad place, I believed that there was a God.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
contemplate a God that does not exist then, as weird as that maybe sounds; no literal old white guy with a beard, no "objective evidence" at all, *the Unknown God*
& not in the blood of Christ!
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
nice imo, those who seek sacrificial blood are deemed "Esau" in the Bible, *give me some of that red stew, for i am so hungry i am about to die* see, and "pray" just meant "wish" when the Bible was xlated into english. Love the soap analogy :) *No son of man may die for another's sins;*
If any non-falsifiable evidence of a god's existing came to light, I would be persuaded to change my...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
"If any non-falsifiable evidence of a god's existing came to light, I would be persuaded to change my mind." i doubt it wadr as that is an already famous contemplation, that suggests you are kidding yourself, but anyway then imo do yourself a favor, and ask Yah to show you some evidence, a blue feather if you will
If any non-falsifiable evidence of a god's existing came to light, I would be persuaded to change my...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
*Test everything, and keep what is good*
Empty Store Shelves, Shortages, High Anxiety Make no mistake.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
unfortunately imo this is a fail on the evidence, as we are in a "capitalist" society right now, right; experiencing the things that you say a "socialist" model would bring us? So, irl "Capitalism = "Shortages, Anxiety, Poverty"
Why do the nonreligious let that go unchallenged?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
bc Don Quixote?
If any non-falsifiable evidence of a god's existing came to light, I would be persuaded to change my...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 13, 2020:
fwiw the Bible directly states that Yah does not "exist," according to our def of that, and wadr you might grasp the notion of "spirit," which believers usually anthropomorphize to death themselves lol
Christians, or as I call some of them, christian scum, like to call evolution and science "Lies from...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 13, 2020:
imagine letting them interpret the Bible for you, eh lol
The Bethel charismatic mega-church in Redding, California is telling its faith healers to stay away ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
narf, priceless eh
How many know that the Hindu festivals season will kick off in India, Nepal etc.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 10, 2020:
my understanding is that Hinduism was once much purer, effectively one God and everything, and then kind of deteriorated, as Christianity and i guess most religions do? I also heard that Hinduism was undergoing some kind of purifying, tearing down old temples that are not extant for the Supreme Diety in Hindu? Not sure which sect though. Has the treatment of women there historically been so bad? Always? ty, and my devout sympathies
I have to be honest.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
*I know the wolves will rush in as soon as I leave, not sparing the flock* Paul of Tarsus pastors, 501 ( 6 ) c3 ( 6 ) 1023 ( 6 ) "the faith" as a noun, lol. pastors, huh? (:rolleyes)
A Catholic apologist attempted to defend the story of the Exodus... And failed. []
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 3, 2020:
ha well no offense but Catholics dont go anywhere near a Bible until they are like forty, then maybe, big if and the exodus story is not meant to be taken literally, wadr; there are even little traps built in for those who do imo
When I started reading this post, I thought it was going to be full of judgement but it was to my ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
"Christ i like: Christians, not so much" Gandhi fwiw the Bible calls most "believers" *twice the sons of hell you are* with *seven worse spirits*
Finding like-minded people
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
"Finding like-minded people" is likely an illusion, wadr. We do this to bolster our self esteem, i think. Not saying that ppl cannot share convictions, nor that it is not valuable to congregate with them, but there will always be areas where even they differ?
Hello coming from a catholic background,how do you fill or erase the psycological void of God ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
you might just be open to redefining your current def of "God," after all *I said "you are elohim,"* so Yah might get larger rather than smaller, so to speak, and as for getting along with Catholic relatives hey Catholics are awesome! At least at many things, "service" is actually a verb and not a noun to them, etc? So iow seek where you agree, and maybe overlook where you dont?
‘Belief’ definition I surmise that one cannot think about beliefs in the singular as if they...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
fwiw there is no judgement for "beliefs" in the Bible, but only for works i guess. The Bible deems "beliefs" functionally irrrelevant, as they are invariably about the past or the future, yeh? Now i guess most instances of *have faith* have been tunred into "believe" by scribes, to help make the false case for "beliefs," agreeing with your premise i guess iow
It sometimes feels that we seldom stray far from the topic of religion on this site, so I have a ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
imo the Bible is not holy, or at least does not profess to be anywhere. I know a guy on the hands thing, you might be interested,
Do you think your lack of God affects how you feel about the insults of aging?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
do your kid's sniveling, whining, greedy, neverending requests and demands would have driven you off by now?
I love how most people who believe the bible can trace their belief to the notion that the bible ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
"any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" too
I love how most people who believe the bible can trace their belief to the notion that the bible ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 25, 2020:
ha, youre not supposed to take that stuff literally; that is the mistake of most believers tho
I miss church.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
bowling with the right ppl?
I miss church.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
imo that is why it is really deemed a *love feast* in Scripture, and not "worship" per se as we define that today. Anyway what i am hearing is that it is maybe time for you to realize that "Church" is where you are, *a living stone* it's now a responsibility iow, maybe even to attend cult of sol "churches" and out the pov...ha assuming you have seen the light there barring that or in addition to it i would say that for someone who is ready to hear, wherever you are at can be made to be a love feast, ok, mom *makes* xmas right, so *I said "you are elohim"* just go do that light up faces :)
It amazes me, the deep indoctrination self- indoctrination I had growing up.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
"Anyway, I think what keeps this indoctrination going on and on is the emotions behind it all" "Eve" iow, quite possibly. well plus the overwhelming desire for soul-immortality, cult of sol invictus iow
It is an established fact that believers are deluded and liars.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible" SClemens
I have 4th stage prostate cancer so I will dies soon.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 12, 2020:
btw im sure you are inundated with well meaning advice, and prolly relying on Drs too i guess--yikes btw--but anyway you might try the lemon thing, pretty much overnight results. Cancer cannot abide alkaline, apparently
I have 4th stage prostate cancer so I will dies soon.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
believe it or not the belief system we know as "Christians" today are actually really prolly Cult of Sol Invictus, with Jesus playing the role of Mercury, "returning" to take them to the Elysian Fields, in a dress, basically...and the Bible has all this in it, kinda in code, *Apollos waters* how weird is that? immortality has always been the ultimate escape, yeh *I came that you might have life, more abundantly* altho of course that rings as religious now anyway, a search of "Mithraism and..." will auto-complete for "Christianity" for more
I wish Christians would just be honest and say they have NO idea what happens when a person dies?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
despite *he who says he knows does not yet know as he ought* huh? ah, some others they hate, *No one has ever gone up to heaven, There is only One Immortal, Where I am going you cannot come, You and your sons will be here with me* (the dead Samuel to Saul, through the Witch of Endor). *All go to the same place* on and on
What happened when you came out of the closet as an atheist?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
follow up q why would you come to an Agnostic site, as an Atheist? ty
Incredibly, it seems to be so... There are Atheists who fear hell! []
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
I grew up in the Bible Belt in a non-religious home.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 29, 2020:
living among mithraists is hard, huh. i know this isnt what you wanna hear, but Jesus had basically the same problems? And of course--as counter-intuitive as this maybe seems--your mithraist community there is scared to death of the Bible, i could offer some Quotes if you like, *No son of man may die for another's sins, No one has ever gone up to heaven, Where I am going you cannot come, There is only One Immortal,* etc, but do yourself a favor and be very selective how you use them ok i dont struggle with them maybe bc i am mildly asperger's, or maybe bc i moved a lot growing up and dont identify with any particular location, or maybe i just detest religion, idk, but the point is kinda that if you dont want to find yourself in need of relocating, might be better to just overlook it. Yes, they are kinda desperate, but?
My family's church is having revival service all week.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 29, 2020:
fwiw *twice the sons of hell you are* and *with seven worse spirits* are how the Bible describes them
What do you do when expected to participate in public religious ceremonies such as prayer?
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 20, 2020:
say it is against your religion to pray outside of a closet, Matthew 6:6 "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen..."
This past summer I had a medical emergency that put me in a LOT of pain, couldn't even stand up ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Catholics are the most tolerant yeh, despite Catholicism or bc of it. Anyway as you note, prayers are known to be mostly for the pray-er, there's even a v to that effect i think
A close friend of mine goes back and forth between extreme antithiesm and Pascal's Wager.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 7, 2020:
"How can "the author of morals" strike down women and children" where are women and children struck down? "condone slavery" like *an eye for an eye*, this "condoning slavery" is meant to *limit* behavior, not condone it "allow his male followers to have many wives" same thing, and even clarified @ *because of your hardness of heart*, and refuted @ *shall be the husband of one wife* and many other places "yet the women are considered whores to have more than one man" stick with "for you the Bible does not make sense" ok, do yourself a favor


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